In Visual Studio Code, you can select Edit and then Toggle Line Comment (or use the Ctrl+: shortcut keys) to comment.To comment on a whole block of code, you can use /* and */.In Visual Studio Code, you can select Edit and then Toggle Block Comment (or use the Alt + Shift+A...
In Visual Studio Code, you can selectEditand thenToggle Line Comment(or use theCtrl+:shortcut keys) to comment. To comment on a whole block of code, you can use/* and */. In Visual Studio Code, you can selectEditand thenToggle Block Comment(or use theAlt + Shift+Ashortcut keys) ...
In Visual Studio Code, you can selectEditand thenToggle Line Comment(or use theCtrl+:shortcut keys) to comment. To comment on a whole block of code, you can use/* and */. In Visual Studio Code, you can selectEditand thenToggle Block Comment(or use theAlt + Shift+Ashortcut keys) ...
536 Is there a format code shortcut for Visual Studio? 0 Unable to run Python code in Visual Studio 2022 6 Why does Visual Studio resort to single-line comments when commenting a multi-line selection with "Comment Selection"? 39 'Format code' and 'sort using' on save in Visual...
TypeShortcut UACShield UI UIEditor UIExplorer UMLModel 解除封鎖Stack 取消註解 UncommentCode Underline 復原 UndoCheckBoxList UndoCheckedOutItem 取消停駐 UndoNoColor UnfreezeColumn Ungroup UngroupClause 解除安裝 聯集 UnionInternal UnionPrivate UnionProtected UnionPublic UnionSealed UnionShortcut UniqueKey Unique...
It appears to me that, althought previously available in Jupyter Notebook, the command to "comment code" (also toggled by keyboard shortcut Crtl + /) is currently not listed in the Commands vertical pane. Command is still available to use, normally. Personal opinion but, it would be ...
Control+K+C works for me to comment multiple lines in Kusto Control+K+U is for uncommenting lines. Tested and it worked for me without any problems. Seems these are the shortcuts used in Visual Studio too. Hope this helps someone.
20 and am using Visual Studio Code 1.52.1. Keyboard Layout : Portuguese, Brazil , IBM/Lenovo Thinkpad And I'm using a t460. Keyboard Image. I can't use the shortcut for commenting anymore ctrl +/ it simply stopped working. While typing around on the VS Code i can type "/" and ...
Visual Studio Code You would need to have the latest version of VS Code and VS Code Chrome Debugger Extension installed. Then add the block below to your launch.json file and put it inside the .vscode folder in your app’s root directory. { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [{ ...
The "comment out selected lines" toolbar button is disabled in Visual Studio 2010. I have text selected an am in a text editor window, but the toolbar button is grayed out. Could I have flipped a setting somewhere? Edit: This is for c# code editing. c# visual-studio-...