Type: Bug During normal usage, the "Add Line Comment" keyboard shortcut doesnt work. I am using the default of Ctrl + /. My keyboard works because I can use other Ctrl keyboard shortcuts fine. VS Code version: Code 1.88.1 (e170252, 2024-...
#Hi there, I'm using vscode to write python code. I want to fold comments in editor, but it seems that vscode does not support folding comments of python, neither single line comments(using Ctrl+/) nor block comments(using ALT+SHIT+A). I searched on the Internet and find this: #1152...
Issue Type: Feature Request Minor... If we have a commented out HTML line: <!--div class="blah"></div--> The toggle line comment keyboard shortcut changes it to: div class="blah"></div Using this comment style is something we do when we ...
Then add the block below to your launch.json file and put it inside the .vscode folder in your app’s root directory. { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [{ "name": "Chrome", "type": "chrome", "request": "launch", "url": "http://localhost:3000", "webRoot": "${workspa...