HTML5 is the latest version of the HTML standard, and it maintains the same syntax and rules for comments as previous versions of HTML.There is no difference in the usage of comments between HTML and HTML5. Both HTML and HTML5 use the same multi-line comment syntax with<!--to start a...
CLI withstylelint "**/*.css"and the configuration above in.stylelintrcin the CWD. Does the bug relate to non-standard syntax (e.g. SCSS, Less etc.)? Yes, this happens with single-line comment syntax, which is an SCSS feature. What did you expect to happen? No errors to be flagge...
in javascript, literals are fixed values written directly into the code. right padding → the inside spacing between the right border of an element and the elements inside it. redo → to move forward one step while making changes to a webflow site. syntax → syntax is the name for the ...
GitHub Login Markdown / GFM support Syntax highlighting Notifications from GitHub Easy to customize No server-side implementationGet Started1. Installor via npm:$ npm i --save gitmentimport 'gitment/style/default.css' import Gitment from 'gitment'2. Register An OAuth ApplicationClick here to regis...
In the above program, we try to print some statements and added the comment to understand why and what function we used. But we got SyntaxError: invalid syntax in the first line of code because the python interpreter could not understand that line. ...
Note: Never use callback function in plugin configuration, that will be filtered by vuepress. So I have to support EJS syntax. Use in Valine Theoptionsis exactly the same asValineconfiguration. module.exports={plugins:[['vuepress-plugin-vdoing-comment',{choosen:'valine',options:{el:'#valine...
-- syntax highlighting(optional) -->marked.setOptions({highlight:function(code, lang){returnhljs.highlightAuto(code).value; } });functionHighlighting(){varmarkdowns =document.getElementsByClassName('markdown');for(vari=0;i
There is an error at line 12, column 15 (absolute position 622) of "my local site template file": Bad syntax in a template comment, e.g. unbalanced quotes or missing attribute value. So I am unable to update pages based on this template. The page shows no html errors. I just c...
Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, XML and more.
There are two main ways to add comments in SQL: Method 1: Single lineTo add a comment that is only across a single line, we would add two dashes '--'. Everything after these two dashe will be considered as a comment and will not be executed. The line break acts as the end of...