All students need to know how to write a good paragraph. The main parts of a paragraph are the topic sentence, supporting sentences and the concluding sentence. Students may receive lower marks for poorly constructed paragraphs. Paragraphs in law essays are different from paragraphs in other ...
The article presents the tips of Debbie Matz, chairman of the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), on writing comment letter relative to a proposed rule for credit unions which include looking at the unintentional consequences, expressing clearly the writers' viewpoint, and recommending ...
comment 显示所有例句 n. 1. [c][u] ~ (about/on sth) 议论;评论;解释something that you say or write which gives an opinion on or explains sb/sth 2. [sing][u] 批评;指责criticism that shows the faults of sth IDM no comment 无可奉告I have nothing to say about that ...
On the wall of Verdun fortress, we see the following inscription: This is the last time I write my name here. 中文翻译: 在诺曼底,英军和德军之间的战斗非常激烈,在双方都遭受重大伤亡的情况下,一些士兵在一代人的时间里第二次来到欧洲来纠正旧世界的错误。对圣洛的袭击引起了一名士兵的评论:我们确实把...
1. make or write a comment on; "hecommentedthe paper of his colleague" 2. explain or interpret something 3. provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases; "He annotated on what his teacher had written" 展开全部 词根词缀 词根:ment ...
Python is used to write programs. It’s also used to make games and websites, apps, robots, movies and music. You can even use it if you want to learn how computers work or just have fun! Conclusion I hope that you have enjoyed this article and found it informative. Now, You mu...
WriteOptions Type: XmlWriteOptions Specifies options for customizing how the node is serialized.OutStream Type: OutStream The OutStream to which you want to save the serialized representation of the node.Return Value[Optional] Ok Type: Boolean true i...
comment with pics中“pics”是英文中“pictures”的简略写法,意思是:图片评论。一、读法 comment 发音: 英 /'kɒment/ ;美 /'kɑmɛnt/ 1、n. 评论;意见;批评;描述 2、vt. 发表评论;发表意见 3、vi. 为?作评语 二、短语 1、Fair comment 公正的评论。2、comment on...
Write a meaningful comment, use precise wording to describe why. Imagine yourself in the shoes of the developer using this piece of code, what would you want to know? For properties and methods, use active wording such as Sets..., Gets..., and Specifies..., and then explain what it ...