Language definition files read with --read-lang-def or --force-lang-def must be plain ASCII text files. cloc treats compiler pragma's, for example #if / #endif, as code even if these are used to block lines of source from being compiled; the blocked lines still contribute to the cod...
Then add the block below to your launch.json file and put it inside the .vscode folder in your app’s root directory. { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [{ "name": "Chrome", "type": "chrome", "request": "launch", "url": "http://localhost:3000", "webRoot": "${workspa...
To apply changes to an entire file regardless of where the comment is located, the following syntax is supported:Disable all rules: <!-- markdownlint-disable-file --> Enable all rules: <!-- markdownlint-enable-file --> Disable one or more rules by name: <!-- markdownlint-disable-...
Language definition files read with --read-lang-def or --force-lang-def must be plain ASCII text files. cloc treats compiler pragma's, for example #if / #endif, as code even if these are used to block lines of source from being compiled; the blocked lines still contribute to the cod...
cloc treats compiler pragma's, for example #if / #endif, as code even if these are used to block lines of source from being compiled; the blocked lines still contribute to the code count. On Windows, cloc will fail with Can't cd to ... No such file or directory at /File/Find....
cloc treats compiler pragma's, for example #if / #endif, as code even if these are used to block lines of source from being compiled; the blocked lines still contribute to the code count. On Windows, cloc will fail with Can't cd to ... No such file or directory at /File/Find....
cloc treats compiler pragma's, for example #if / #endif, as code even if these are used to block lines of source from being compiled; the blocked lines still contribute to the code count. On Windows, cloc will fail with Can't cd to ... No such file or directory at /File/Find....
cloc treats compiler pragma's, for example #if / #endif, as code even if these are used to block lines of source from being compiled; the blocked lines still contribute to the code count. On Windows, cloc will fail with Can't cd to ... No such file or directory at /File/Find....
.github .vscode Unix tests .dockerignore .gitignore Dockerfile LICENSE cloc sqlite_formatter Repository files navigation README LicenseclocCount Lines of Codecloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming lang...
cloc treats compiler pragma's, for example #if / #endif, as code even if these are used to block lines of source from being compiled; the blocked lines still contribute to the code count. On Windows, cloc will fail with Can't cd to ... No such file or directory at /File/Find....