Or R cells in a Jupyter notebook? Author williamcplai commented Jul 8, 2024 After click the cells , it cannot show the outputs Contributor juliasilge commented Jul 8, 2024 Hmmm, we can't reproduce this problem on Windows or other OSes. Can you share what version of R you are ...
for cell in nb_copy.cells: if isinstance(cell.source, list): cell.source = ''.join(cell.source) Alternatively, a try-except block could be added that only runs this code if an exception is raised. just for reference the function i used that triggered this error is # Step 0 - Conve...
ret = tags.eval_condition(node['expr'])#check for jupyter onlyifret_html_cellandnode['expr'] =='html':#allow html only cells if option is specifiedret =TrueexceptExceptionaserr: logger.warning(__('exception while evaluating only directive expression: %s'), err, location=node) node.replace...
Before we go further, let’s learn a little about two different types of commenting. The first one is the single-line commenting, which uses the ‘#’ notation in the code. It’s usually used for a simple explanation of the code. For example, the below code exemplifies the usage of si...