ACUTE COLONIC PSEUDO-OBSTRUCTION: COMMENTbowel obstructioncolonic obstructioncolonic pseudo‐obstructionintestinal obstructionNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1111/j.1445-2197.1998.tb04704.xK. B. OrrBlackwell Publishing LtdAustralian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery...
The central question is, why does BP initially rise in the acute stroke? Hospitalization with paralysis is obviously a tremendous stress and has been viewed to explain BP elevation.7 However, because BP has been found to be elevated already during the first minutes after the onset of 展开 ...
Disease Continuum: Comment on “The Magnitude of Acute Serum Creatinine Increase AfterCardiac Surgery and the Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease, Progression of Kidney Disease, andDeath”. of postoperative acute kidney injury (AKI 1 Patients requiring renal replacement Neesh...
Clarke D M,Russell P A,Polglase A L,McKenzie D P.Psychiatric disturbance and acute stress responses in surgical patients.The Australian and New Zealand journal of surgery. 1997Psychiatric disturbance and acute stress responses in surgical patients. Clarke D M,Russell P A,Polglase A L,McKenzie ...
Comment on Levitt et al. Approach to Decompensated Right Heart Failure in the Acute Setting. J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 869We read with great interest the article titled "Approach to Decompensated Right Heart Failure in the Acute Setting" [...]...
ACUTE myeloid leukemia diagnosisCELL linesDRUG resistance in cancer cellsGENETIC mutationPROTEOMICSDISEASE progressionIn a recent article published in this journal, Aaseb and colleagues reported [...]doi:10.3390/CANCERS12092461Peter DeRosaVictor Nava
n cystitis: comment Treatment of acute radiation cystitis: commentTreatment of acute radiation cystitis: commentdoi:10.1007/s00192-011-1494-0Peng-Hui WangHuann-Cheng HorngWen-Ling LeeInternational Urogynecology Journal
on the prevalence of acute periapical abscesses (PA) in head and neck cancer patients who received radiation therapy (RT). The study found that patients with a history of oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) had a significantly higher likelihood of developing acute PA, and this risk was further increased...
Latest evidence indicates that patients with acute diverticulitis have higher prevalence of colorectal cancer than reference patients.Therefore,colonoscopy should be offered after an episode of acute diverticulitis.Jeremy MeyerNicolas Christian BuchsBoris SchiltzEmilie LiotFrédéric Ris世界胃肠内镜杂志:英文版(...
They also clarify that their findings do not establish a relationship between acute gait speed improvement with vibration and the risk of falling. The authors acknowledge the need for further studies to investigate the long-term effects of vibrating insoles on peripheral sensation and physica...