Commas can also be used to separate nonessential phrases and clauses, such as modifying phrases and clauses, introductory phrases and clauses, direct addresses, and appositives. 4. Use a comma to separate phrases and clauses that modify or describe another part of the sentence but are not ...
Of all the punctuation marks in English, this one is perhaps the most misused. And it’s no wonder. There are lots of rules about comma usage, and often the factors that determine whether you should use one are quite subtle. But fear not! Below, you’ll find guidance for the trick...
Examples of correctcommaplacement in sentences withdirect addresselements Example 1. Stephen, please enter this information into a spreadsheet. Stephenis being directly addressed in this sentence. Because the name appears at the beginning of the sentence, a comma is placed rightafterit. ...
Commas and otherpunctuation marksare essential elements in correct sentence construction. When it comes to formatting dates, you should distinguish the regular format from the inverted one; it will help decide if a comma is needed in each case. We hope that our guide with some common examples h...
In a series of two or more adjectives that precede a noun, if the order of the adjectives can be reversed or if they can be separated byandwithout changing the meaning. Examples Adjust the innovative, built-in Kickstand and Type Cover. ...
Interrupters Use commas to set off elements that interrupt the sentence. Linda, please read the poem aloud. Direct address I like the image of the birds in flight, Mr. Ryan. Your comment, Bernie, is interesting. Parenthetical expressions Interrupters Use commas to set off elements that interru...
Examples...–WehaveavividpictureoftheCivilWarbecausealmosteverysoldiersentletters,keptjournals,orwrotememoirs.–YoungboysmanagedtoenlistinthemilitaryduringtheCivilWarbecausein1861peopledidnothaveadriver’slicense,aschooltranscript,orastudentidentificationcardtoprovetheirage.3 McGraw-Hill Copyright©2005byTheMcGraw...
A step-by-step illustrated guide on how to escape commas in a CSV file in multiple ways with examples.
The rules for commas apply just as they would for a compound sentence or a complex sentence, except they are used in the same sentence. Examples: Although I’m not a sports fan, I really enjoyed the game, so I ordered tickets for next week too. S + V S + V Dependent clause + ...
Use a comma to separate dates and addresses. Each of the elements in a date (weekday, month and day, and year) should be separated by a comma. Also use a comma to separate the elements in an address, or when referring to a city and state or country. For example, you would use a...