Alternately, they can be defined within LISP routines and loaded with APPLOAD (not available in AutoCAD LT). For custom commands added by an add-in/add-on, check the add-ons' compatibility with AutoCAD, uninstall, and reinstall it.Other solutions...
Note: When setting a variable value, be sure to have only one instance of AutoCAD running. Move dialogue box windows back into view. See Dialog windows do not display in an Autodesk application. Reset AutoCAD or the user profile to defaults. See How to reset ...
Command aliases are defined in the acad.pgp or acadlt.pgpfile. Interrupt a Command with Another Command or System Variable Many commands can be used transparently. That is, they can be entered on the command line while you use another command. Commands that do not select objects, create ne...
Synchronize call commands in AutoCAD versions before 2015 dali0312 Participant 12-31-2024 01:46 AM I can use the Command method of Editor to synchronously call commands in AutoCAD 2015 and above versions. However, there is no replaceable method for use in versions below 2015. May I ...
Q:Some commands exist in AutoCAD but not in ZWCAD. A: ZWCAD supports almost all the 2D features in AUTOCAD, for some of them,the commands for some features may not the same as in AUTOCAD. Previous Network Server is register successful with dongle, but the clients could not connect to Ser...
Command aliases are defined in the acad.pgp or acadlt.pgpfile. Interrupt a Command with Another Command or System Variable Many commands can be used transparently. That is, they can be entered on the command line while you use another command. Commands that do not select objects, create ne...
SinceEditor.Command() was implemented in AutoCAD 2015, I’ve been a fan of the calling commands in AutoCAD application code. But I haven’t actually covered the approach needed to send object information to commands via this function. Yes, you can always use the “_LAST” keyword during ent...
swCommands_Hide_Feature_Detail 931; valid for a selected top-level assembly showing feature detail; in the graphics area, RMB menu > Show Hierarchy Only swCommands_Hide_Incontext_Feature_Holders 687; valid for a selected top-level assembly with visible update holders; selected_...
This is not always handy when having different prefix requirements for different fabricators. It was requested in the idea station, but the idea station looks dead, Product manager is not showing any interest stepping up and making any comment about what can be done, what is POSSIBLE...
By Fenton Webb I’m really sorry to say, but anyone who tells me that acedCommand() and acedCmd() are not good C++ functions for driving AutoCAD, are crazy! These functions have existed since the original R11 ADS development system in C and have always b