-- The HTML context menu in Dev12 changed. --> <CommandPlacement guid="guidColumnGuidesCommandSet" id="GuidesContextMenuGroup" priority="0x1001"> <Parent guid="CMDSETID_HtmEdGrp_Dev12" id="IDMX_HTM_SOURCE_HTML_Dev12" /> </CommandPlacement> <!-- Simi...
The commands are listed on the left. Selecting one will show its details on the right. Pressing theEdit Patternsbutton allows you to define custom patterns for recognizing file paths and line numbers when writing output to the panel, although the default built-in pattern ought to be sufficient ...
A better wording for this message might be, “encountered a command outside the context of a target.” When the parser sees a command in a legal context, it switches to “command parsing” mode, building the script one line at a time. It stops appending to the script when it encounters...
expand Convert tabs into spaces in a given file and show the output. expect An extension to the Tcl script, it’s used to automate interaction with other applications based on their expected output. export Used to set an environment variable. expr Evaluate expressions and display them on standa...
You need to set the FEC to EtherChannel member interfaces before you add them to the EtherChannel. The setting chosen when you use auto depends on the transceiver type and whether the interface is fixed (built-in) or on a network module. Table 1. Default FEC for Auto ...
Relationship between NM-TRAN, NONMEM, and PREDPP. The diagram shows the workflow executed by the nmfe74 script. The user's control stream is submitted to NM_TRAN, which then renders the code into a Fortran file (FSUBS), transfers the information in the data file to FDATA, and transfers...
If you use Bean Shell scripts in the next step, you can use the script logic to populate and validate the parameter values. Defining Execution Parameters for a Command Step 5 Specify the devices and software versions that the command can be run on, along with ...
Specify that only one menu token will be returned. -p prompt Define the prompt message as prompt. -Q Specify that quit will not be allowed as a valid response. -s signal Specify that process ID pid defined with the -k option is to be sent signal signal when quit is chosen. If no ...
[silent ] [-sqlScript <path of the sql file>] [-verbose ] [ <Patch Location> ] Options Table A-2describes the options available for theapplycommand. Table A-2applyCommand Options Note: If a patch consists of SQL changes, follow the instructions in the patch README, which is included ...
grep_out<-system(shell_cmd, intern = TRUE) cat(grep_out) how to run: /myPathToRscript/Rscript aaa.R bbb.vcf === Description systeminvokes the OS command specified bycommand. Usage system(command, intern = FALSE, ignore.stdout = FALSE, ...