"The scale of the game fluctuates from battle to battle. For some scenarios, an infantry unit may represent a legion of fighters, while in other scenarios a unit may represent just a few brave warriors. But the tactics you need to execute conform remarkably well to the advantages and limitat...
For some scenarios, an infantry unit may represent an entire legion of soldiers, while in other scenarios, a unit may represent just a few brave warriors.The command card system drives movement, creates “fog of war” and presents players with many interesting challenges and opportunities, while...
as were the center and left. So whenYamagata MasakageandHera Masatanecharged forward it became one huge melee. Although Yamagata Masakage was skilled in combat, which was also proved this day, he was no match for a hail of bullets, which shot him from his horse. At this point in the ...
draw.clusters Toggles rendering of white circles in the galaxy map. Empires seem to be distributed evenly across clusters. – draw.combatdebuglines Toggles rendering of lines during combat showing which targets a ship is focusing on. A line also shows where the ship was located before combat....
draw.clustersToggles rendering of white circles in the galaxy map. Empires seems to be distributed evenly across clusters.Nonetweakergui draw.clusters draw.combatdebuglinesToggles rendering of lines during combat showing which target a ship is focusing on. A line also shows where the ship was locat...