Group Policy Editor (XP Prof)gpedit.msc IExpress - Turn a cmd/vbs script into an installer .exe fileC:\Windows\System32\iexpress.exe(example) Indexing Serviceciadv.msc Internet Propertiesinetcpl.cpl IP Configurationipconfig iSCSI Initiator (Vista/Win7)iscsicpl Keyboard Propertiescontrol keyboard L...
6. `del`: Deletes files. 7. `ren`: Renames files. 8. `type`: Displays the content of a text file. 9. `edit`: Opens a simple text editor. 10. `format`: Formats a disk or a diskette. 11. `chkdsk`: Checks a disk for errors. 12. `tree`: Displays a graphical representation ...
You can also enable or disable file and directory name completion per instance of a Command shell by running cmd.exe with the parameter and switch /F:ON or /F:OFF. If name completion is enabled with the /F:ON parameter and switch, the two control characters used are Ctrl-D for ...
cmdidAddinManager cmdidAddNewItem cmdidAddNewProject cmdidAddNewSolutionItem cmdidAddToOutput cmdidAddWatch cmdidAlias cmdidAlignBottom cmdidAlignHorizontalCenters cmdidAlignLeft cmdidAlignRight cmdidAlignToGrid cmdidAlignTop cmdidAlignVerticalCenters cmdidAppendQuery cmdidArrangeBottom ...
cdstands for "change directory," and it does exactly what the name suggests: it changes the current directory to another directory. It enables you to move from one directory to another just like its counterpart in Windows. The following command changes to a subdirectory of the current directory...
A simple package to execute shell commands on linux, darwin and windows. Installation Install the latest version with: $ go get -u or an exact version: $ go get -u ...
The following table contains the list of supported commands for use with the DOCMD function (ShapeSheet interface) and the DoCmd method (Automation interface), along with information about the contexts in which they are supported.The DOCMD function takes a numeric argument only; the DoCmd method...
So I tried cmd /k but that leaves the window open for more commands (I just want to read the result). So I added a pause followed by exit to the chain, resulting in the following: cmd /k C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\regasm.exe "%1" /codebase \"%1\" & pause...
Windows one line commands that make life easier, shortcuts and command line fu. - madhuakula/wincmdfu
A shutdown via CMD is extremely useful. In this article, you will learn with which commands you can shut down Windows.