5. `copy`: Copies files. 6. `del`: Deletes files. 7. `ren`: Renames files. 8. `type`: Displays the content of a text file. 9. `edit`: Opens a simple text editor. 10. `format`: Formats a disk or a diskette. 11. `chkdsk`: Checks a disk for errors. 12. `tree`: Displa...
Group Policy Editor (XP Prof)gpedit.msc IExpress - Turn a cmd/vbs script into an installer .exe fileC:\Windows\System32\iexpress.exe(example) Indexing Serviceciadv.msc Internet Propertiesinetcpl.cpl IP Configurationipconfig iSCSI Initiator (Vista/Win7)iscsicpl Keyboard Propertiescontrol keyboard L...
You can also enable or disable file and directory name completion per instance of a Command shell by runningcmd.exewith the parameter and switch/F:ONor/F:OFF. If name completion is enabled with the/F:ONparameter and switch, the two control characters used areCtrl-Dfor directory name complet...
You can also enable or disable file and directory name completion per instance of a Command shell by running cmd.exe with the parameter and switch /F:ON or /F:OFF. If name completion is enabled with the /F:ON parameter and switch, the two control characters used are Ctrl-D for ...
You can also enable or disable file and directory name completion per instance of a Command shell by runningcmd.exewith the parameter and switch/F:ONor/F:OFF. If name completion is enabled with the/F:ONparameter and switch, the two control characters used areCtrl-Dfor directory name complet...
The Netsh commands for IPSec can only be used to configure IPSec policies on computers running members of the Windows Server™ 2003 family. To use the command line to configure IPSec policies on computers running Windows XP, use Ipseccmd.exe, which is provided on the Windows XPCD, in the...
The Netsh commands for IPSec can only be used to configure IPSec policies on computers running members of the Windows Server™ 2003 family. To use the command line to configure IPSec policies on computers running Windows XP, use Ipseccmd.exe, which is provided on the Windows XPCD, in the...
Windows XP, use IPsecCmd.exe, which is provided on the Windows XP CD, in the \Support\Tools folder. To use the command line to configure IPsec policies on computers that are running Windows 2000, use IPsecPol.exe, which is provided with theWindows 2000 Server Resource Kit. Run ...
For example, to use the command line to configure IPsec policies on computers that are running Windows XP, use IPsecCmd.exe, which is provided on the Windows XP CD, in the \Support\Tools folder. To use the command line to configure IPsec policies on computers that are running Windows 2000...
Kernel flag settings. Displays or changes system-wide debugging flags for this session. These settings are effective immediately, but are lost when Windows shuts down. The settings affect processes started after this command completes. With no additional parameters,gflags /kdisplays system-wide flags ...