cmd/cheat configs doc internal mocks scripts vendor .gitignore Dockerfile LICENSE.txt Makefile go.mod go.sum README MIT license cheat cheatallows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. It was designed to help remin...
This batch command prompts the user and waits for a line of input to be entered. 15 PROMPT This batch command can be used to change or reset the cmd.exe prompt. 16 RD This batch command removes directories, but the directories need to be empty before they can be removed. 17 REN ...
It's common for users of desktop Linux or servers with a graphical interface to use Network Manager GUI clients to configure the network. For cases where you work with headless servers or if you want to automate configuration via shell scripts, thenmclitool comes in handy. Network Manager and...
TITLESet the window title for a CMD.EXE session • TLISTTask list with full path TOUCHChange file timestamps TRACERTTrace route to a remote host TREEGraphical display of folder structure TSDISCONDisconnect a Remote Desktop Session TSKILLEnd a running process ...
There are other useful Linux network tools, such astcpdump,nmap, andfirewall-cmd. These tools are covered in other Enable Sysadmin articles. [ Network hard to manage? Check outNetwork Automation for Everyone, a free book from Red Hat. ] ...
Basic instructions for creating patch files with your changes are available at blue]-]. Patches may be sent to nmap-dev (recommended) or to Fyodor directly. HISTORY Zenmap was originally derived from Umit, an Nmap GUI created during the Google-sponsored Nmap...
snmpcmd(1) snmpconf(1) snmpdelta(1) snmpdf(1) snmpget(1) snmpgetnext(1) snmpinform(1) snmpnetstat(1) snmpset(1) snmptable(1) snmptest(1) snmptranslate(1) snmptrap(1) snmpusm(1) snmpvacm(1) snmpwalk(1) soelim(1) sort(1) sort(1g) sortbib(1) sotruss(1) source(1) sox(...
Hello, This question is mostly aimed at the experienced devs and hackers who have been hacking and developing with HTC devices for a good several years. I...
Hit Win + R and Run dialog box opens up (Alternatively you can select Start > Run) . Type in command and press enter. For example : osk -> On-screen Keyboard cmd -> Command Prompt wmplayer -> Windows Media Player sol -> Solitaire ...
cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. It was designed to help remind *nix system administrators of options for commands that they use frequently, but not frequently enough to remember. - cheat/cheat