Commandos 3: Destination Berlin continues Pyro Studio's Commandos series of tactical games. Destination Berlin takes players to Stalingrad, Gestapo HQ in Berlin, Omaha Beach on D-day, and all across war-torn Europe. Destination Berlin features smaller maps with an emphasis on detail. Each scenario...
《盟军敢死队3目标柏林(Commandos 3: Destination Berlin)》的故事再次回到二战,你将经历全新的故事,不过还是围绕着粉碎德军阴谋这一主题,我们的主角仍然是身经百战的特战小组,这次你将带领他们在斯大林格勒、奥马海滩、柏林纳粹总部等地点进行战斗,这些都是二战中有名的战斗场景,到时候大家可要好好开眼界了。在战斗中...
大小:3.69MB 补丁制作:realoaded 补丁语言:英文 版本: 资源说明 盟军敢死队3目标柏林(Commandos3:Destination Berlin)完美免CD补丁 最大安装游戏后复制EXE执行文件到游戏目录 资源下载申请收录 高速下载(通过风灵月影修改器下载) 高速下载1高速下载2 普通下载地址: ...
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盟军敢死队3:目标柏林盟军敢死队3:目标柏林 / Commandos 3: Пунктназначения–Берлин! / Commandos 3: Kierunek BerlinCommandos 3: Destination Berlin Pyro Studios 2003-10-14 7.27.5 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 媒体评分
Commandos 3: Destination Berlin: With Jordi Brau, Antonio García Moral, Héctor Cantolla, David García Vázquez. The commandos team continue their campaign of Europe. They face the might of the Third Reich in Normandy, central Europe, Stalingrad and Be
Commandos 3: Destination Berlin 盟军敢死队3:目标柏林的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
COMMANDOS III: DESTINATION BERLIN.This article presents a preview of the computer war game Commandos III: Destination Berlin, developed by the company Pyro Studios and published by the company Eidos Inc.EBSCO_bspComputer Gaming World