Commandos 2 - HD Remaster 重温定义游戏类型的实时战术巨作:《盟军敢死队 2 - 高清复刻版》原作为传奇的 Pyro Studios 开发,本作是对游戏界最负盛名巨作的真切致敬。 全部评测: 褒贬不一(1,813) 发行日期: 2020 年 1 月 24 日 开发商: Yippee! Entertainment,Pyro Studios...
“Commandos 2 – HD Remaster” is still very much the same game from nineteen years ago but sadly, it has not aged well. The release of this HD remaster is clearly premature and only time will tell if it can be saved. However, I do admit that the game isn’t unplayable and if you...
Overall,Commandos 2 – HD Remasteris an incredibly good game and I feel it deserves the reputation attributed to the original. Upon release of the remaster, the game was filled with bugs and missing features that the original had; But the developers are continuing to update and improve from t...
and that’s fun. However, Commandos 2 – HD Remaster still comes across as a bit muddy and drab. It’s fine in docked mode. In handheld mode, however, it’s difficult to discern the details
While perhaps not vastly in need of remaster, Commandos 2's improved visuals and dual stick controls are well implemented