Kids Definition commander noun com·mand·er kə-ˈman-dər 1 : one in official command especially of a military force or base 2 : a naval commissioned officer with a rank just below that of captain commandership -ˌship noun ...
Kids Definition commander noun com·mand·er kə-ˈman-dər 1 : one in official command especially of a military force or base 2 : a naval commissioned officer with a rank just below that of captain commandership -ˌship noun ...
Does chief of staff need to be capitalized? Capitalize titles when they appear on their own or follow a name: I was delighted when I got the opportunity to meet the president. George Brown is the chief of staff. Is chief executive officer capitalized APA?
I say all of this even though I rank FC as a good but not great game. Its more the overly narrow "value" definition that brings response. Give GeekGold Tip More Options A User actions menu Andrew Palmer @andypalmer Dec 31, 2005 Quote:Not having read the FC rulebook, this is what I...
- 你们这些狂妄的科学怪人 - 杰拉奇暗道,作为一个活跃在硅谷的小报记者,他对技术也非一无所知,于是他开口说道:“是PageRank成就了Google,不是这些丑陋的机器,我倒是想知道,这样一堆只要有钱就能买到的电脑,为什么你们会弄到这么神神秘秘?” “让Google成功的并非是某段程序,十年前搜索算法能带来巨大的优势,但...
This game is a breath of fresh air. Gorgeous graphics and a legitimately fun and rewarding game to play. My only criticism would again be on the pvp matchmaking system. I'm only a rank 10, but I've only been playing for about a day or so, my advice is to make it so that low ...
that would make the commander more of a hero like the movies make them look, other than just a high rank engineer in reality and to solve the uselessness, make it just a really big assault experimental that has the ability to quickly create experimentals, other than just t3 units. i ...