Try this Winter, Misanthropic Guide deck from Unsummoned Skull! ChartsCombosSimilar Cards Top Commanders Group by Category Sort by Default Card Filters Sauron, the Dark Lord $7.49 $10.41 $4.99 38.93% of 21359 decks 8316 decks The Ur-Dragon $25.99 $23.00 $22.99 27.02% of 27628 decks 7466...
with the face commander featuring bothMTG mana rampandMTG card draw. The deck is full of gigantic sea monsters, and it has the ramp to be able to play them in good time. It’s another deck that’s easy to upgrade: with such a generically powerful face commander, you can take this pi...
2020/11/10 Cards put into your hand without using the word "draw" don't count as cards drawn for Kydele's ability. 2020/11/10 If you haven't drawn any cards this turn, you can activate Kydele's mana ability, but it won't produce any mana. 2020/11/10 If your Commander deck ha...
Deck . 1 荒澤竹沼 1 克撒傳 1 柯幫城塞 1 約格莫夫之墓烏爾博格 1 Cabal Coffers 1 Ancient Tomb 1 Phyrexian Tower 24 Swamp 1 Volrath's Stronghold 1 Lake of the Dead
Color MulticolorMagic: The Gathering - Commander Masters Commander Deck - Planeswalker Party MulticolorMagic: The Gathering Universes Beyond: Fallout Commander Deck - Mutant Menace MulticolorMAGIC THE GATHERING: OUTLAWS OF THUNDER JUNCTION COLLECTOR BOOSTER PACK (1 PACK) Count 36Magic: The Gathering...
Ashaya, Soul of the Wildturns all your creatures into a mana source, which can also help to pump X spells. It’s important to remember that copies don’t count towards this because they enter as tokens. Card Draw Ravenous creatures are a great form of card draw in this deck, especially...
2020/11/10 Cards put into your hand without using the word "draw" don't count as cards drawn for Kydele's ability. 2020/11/10 If you haven't drawn any cards this turn, you can activate Kydele's mana ability, but it won't produce any mana. 2020/11/10 If your Commander deck ha...
Regardless of whether you’re playing with ramp or not, the mana rocks in your deck can help compensate for the lack of this ability. Decks that don’t have access to green benefit from a higher mana rock count so they have access to excess mana to cast their higher cost spells. ...
Playing this card with a board full of planeswalkers is a great way to win the game since you're still doing a lot on your turns while your opponents have to rebuild their land base. The Mana Base Getting to five colors in this deck is incredibly important, so you’re mostly going to...
Card Categories When you start building a deck, I suggest opening up your commander's page here on EDHREC, and firing up the Archidekt deckbuilding tool before anything else. Both have a ton of great features that help simplify deck building, and I'll be referencing them below and in futur...