sudo: updatedb: command not found 文心快码BaiduComate 针对你遇到的 sudo: updatedb: command not found 错误,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 确认 updatedb 命令是否安装 updatedb 命令通常与 mlocate(或 locate)数据库更新相关,用于创建或更新系统文件名的数据库,以便 locate 命令可以快速查找文件。 2....
51CTO博客已为您找到关于-bash: updatedb: command not found的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及-bash: updatedb: command not found问答内容。更多-bash: updatedb: command not found相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人
今天体验了下centos6.4,用的是最小化安装,安装完后发现updatedb和locate不能使用,提示command not found。yum install updatedb locate提示no packages available 折腾了半天,发现可以使用yum install mlocate安装locate 网上资料解释mlocate相比locate搜索效率高,但系统下执行时的命令依然是locate...
This problem appears usually if you have a new server and there are no packages installed yet. If you need to uselocatecommand for any reasons, you should runupdatedbperiodically in order to ensure you have the most recent cache of your file positions. if you receivecommand not founderror,it...
This error is returned when all the databases could not be quiesced. 10 NO RESOURCES FOUND Database name is invalid, or the wildcard parameter specified does not match any database names. 17 ANOTHER CMD IN PROGRESS This error is returned when the quiesce could not be started because another...
claudio@kali:~/foo$ hello_world bash: hello_world: command not found 原因为:命令行执行命令时,会在执行文件夹中搜索是否有该脚本。如果存 在命令对应的文件,就执行该脚本。 指定这些文件夹的变量为PATH。每个文件夹用冒号隔开。查看PATH变量: claudio@kali:~/foo$ echo $PATH /home/claudio/bin:/home/...
updatedb Once it finishes, the locate cache database will be updated and we can use it to find the exact location of the psql command, so let’s run this in our shell: locate psql Once the exact path of the binary is found we only have to create a symlink. For example, if the ps...
findutils(4.10.0):gfind glocate gupdatedb gxargs fio(3.37):fio fio-dedupe fio-genzipf fio-verify-state fio2gnuplot fio_generate_plots fio_jsonplus_clat2csv genfio firebase-cli(13.15.4):firebase firebase-cli(13.16.0):firebase...
It is recommended that you do not use these commands. The internal commands on UNIX are: • ipm deinstallstop • ipm pstart • ipm istart • ipm load • ipm updatedbprox • ipm deinstall The internal commands on Windows are: • ipm deinstall • ipm install B-18 Cisco ...
centos上安装updatedb,command not found 一 安装 linux中locate查找命名依赖updatedb的协助, 安装updatedb命令需要使用mlocate包 yum install mlocate mac上默认会有mdfind命令来替代locate命令 二定时执行 在/etc/crontab中增加 50 6 * * * updatedb