Unable to upgrade Flutter: no upstream repository configured. The console history doesn't go that far anymore so that's all the information I have. This happens quite regularly when I'm switching channels. What output can I provide when this happens next? Contributor Hixie commented May 8, 20...
Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock... 这是其他地方正在用到flutter命令,可以等待一会自己执行结束。 也可以删除你的flutter sdk目录下的bin/cache/lockfile 文件进行删除。然后重新执行flutter upgrade
Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock… 异常解决 平时我们在开发flutter过程中,在执行flutter packages get 命令 或者 flutter packages upgrade之后, 经常遇到这个错误提示: Waitingforanother flutter command to release the startuplock... 然后你会发现会发现在任何地方执行flutter命令,...
经常运行项目的时候出现以下问题 Waitingforanother flutter command to release the startuplock 然后我用了网上找的方法:rm ./bin/cache/lockfile 不建议用,因为会恢复之前的配置,又要重新配置,安卓和ios全部报错
在XCode中,所以它再次工作。/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Run/Pods-Run-frameworks.sh ...
Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond - [Beta] flutter upgrade has broken flutter command · flutter/flutter@a16de73
D:\001_Develop\022_Python\Python39\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip 1. 命令, 可以解决该问题 , 但是执行 上述命令 , 也是报相同的错误 , pip 命令就是不能执行 ; 二、问题分析 之前在 命令行 中使用了pip install torch命令 , 安装了 PyTorch 库 , 安装成功 , 输出内容如下 : ...
Flutter: Command not recognized in Zsh, Flutter command not found in zsh shell on MacOS after updating path as per Flutter's documentation, Resolving 'zsh: command not found' error in Flutter doctor, Flutter error: Zsh unable to locate command when tryin
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git/': LibreSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 54 fvm: Command 'git' exited with error: exit status 128 分析:可能是之前cocoapods 报无法下载网络有关系 解决:先升级 1. brew upgrade openssl ...
$ flutter pub get Add a package dependency to an app $ flutter pub add [package1 package2 ...] Remove a package dependency from an app $ flutter pub remove [package1 package2 ...] Upgrade to the highest version of a package that is allowed by pubspec.yaml $ flutter pub upgrade [pac...