How to use it. $ java -jar java2rust.jar -d [ | path_directory] The converted files will be saved in the folder: "output" Other options are: -o: Specify the output directory path (default: output) -i: Ignore existing files in the output directory (default: false) ...
Rust (rustc) Dart (dart) Elixir (elixir) TypeScript (tsc) Tcl (tclsh) Swift (swift,xcrun) ATS2 (patscc) R (Rscript) Nim/NimScript (nim) Julia (julia) Gnuplot (gnuplot) Kotlin (kotlin) Crystal (crystal) V (v) Zig (zig)
Open the Terminal app. To get additional debug logging for troubleshooting launcher issues, run command below first to set debug environment variables before starting the IDE: exportIJ_LAUNCHER_DEBUG=true exportIDEA_LAUNCHER_DEBUG=true Run commands below to start IDE (replacing the IDE installation...
格式:grant select on 数据库.* to 用户名@登录主机 identified by “密码” 1、增加一个用户test1密码为abc,让他可以在任何主机上登录,并对所有数据库有查询、插入、修改、删除的权限。首先用root用户连入MYSQL,然后键入以下命令: grant select,insert,update,delete on *.* to [email=test1@”%]test1@”%[...
hdc_rust revert userdata group 2个月前 hdcd_user_permit update hdcd_user_permit/src/main.cpp. 5个月前 scripts fix: unsupport missing the remote parameter in the file send -b option. 4天前 src 【解决host启动时InitLogging和日志压缩线程中并发调用setenv和getenv导致crash问题】 1天...
Each of them have a different way of handling the script error check and in both of them we try to "emulate" the behavior of set -e in Bash. If we want to start supporting the case discussed here, we should also update Windows CMD and PowerShell implementations to work the same. And...
In Creators Update, the WSL team and Windows Core Networking teams worked together to enable WSL to support several additional IPv6 & TCP socket options & properties. This enables a broad range of tools and technologies that rely upon various network socket features, improved IPv6 support, e...
This project has started as a Rust port of the JavaScript tool regexgen written by Devon Govett. Although a lot of further useful features could be added to it, its development was apparently ceased several years ago. The plan is now to add these new features to grex as Rust really shines...
The runit sv command rewritten in rust with nice new features. Additional features Enable/Disable services (automatically creating the symlink) Bash completion Listing services Custom timeout Much cleaner code than the original sv command Automatically use sudo if ran as user (feature: auto_sudo. Us...
In Creators Update, the WSL team and Windows Core Networking teams worked together to enable WSL to support several additional IPv6 & TCP socket options & properties. This enables a broad range of tools and technologies that rely upon various network socket features, improved IPv6 support, et...