To give a golden apple to all players in Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.11 and 1.12: /execute @a ~ ~ ~ /give @p golden_apple To give 64 golden apples to all players: /execute @a ~ ~ ~ /give @p golden_apple 64 To teleport all players to the coordinates (8, 64, 22): /execute @...
In this example, the /locate command output the following message to indicate the coordinates of the Ancient City: "The nearest minecraft:ancient_city is at [-1776, ~, 1152] (1973 blocks away)".We can then use the /tp command to teleport to these coordinates (we will use y = -21 ...
To display your current coordinates in the Java Edition, enter/tp ~~~. In Bedrock Edition, enableShow Coordinatesin the world settings. How to Teleport to Coordinates in Minecraft To teleport any player or object to a specific set of coordinates, you just need to provide the X, Y, and Z...
How to teleport using command block Theability to teleport to coordinatesis a feature used in many Minecraft games, and with good reason! Type: tp @p <x,y,z coordinates> This code means that only the player will teleport. For all players to teleport, use @a. You can also use teleport...
tele - Teleport to X Y Z coordinates. Same as /t textcolor < <0-f|random>>| - Allows you to configure output text colors time [set|get|day|night [minute|hour|day [TIME]]|speed SPEED] - Set and get the time within minecraft. timeschedule > - Sets a period of time (HH:MM form...
This command teleports the player named Steve to the coordinates (0, 250, 0)./summon zombie ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"Zombie King"}This command summons a zombie with the custom name “Zombie King.”/setblock 0 250 0 minecraft:diamond_block...
bring[ENTITY]-Bringsthespecifiedentitytoyou. cannon[STRENGTH]-ShootsaprimedTNTinthedirectionyouarepointing. calc-Calculatorcommand chest<drop|get|fill|swap|clear>-Allowaccessofchests clear-Clearstheconsole clearwater-Toggleswaterclarityon/off climb-Allowstheplayertoclimbanysurfacewithoutaladder clone[QUANTITY...
20:/shift|@jumpto|@warpto|@goto < > - character name teleport to a character where the map coordinates The role of char_id> - /20:@jumptoid|@warptoid|@gotoid < teleport to a character where the map coordinates (target char_id) ...
When teleporting a player with the true option to a block of 0.01 or less, the player can teleport to the block. The video contains examples of teleportation relative to the player and to exact coordinates. Steps to Reproduce: Enter the command while standing close to the wall: /execute at...
showcoordinatescontrols whether coordinates are displayed showdaysplayed naturalregenerationcontrols whether players can regenerate health tntexplodescontrols whether TNT can explode sendcommandfeedbackcontrols whether command feedback is displayed doinsomniacontrols whether players deal with the effects of not sle...