Command to stop a service: net stop servicename To start a service: net start servicename You need to have administrator privileges to run net start/stop commands. If you are just a normal user on the computer, you would get an error like below. C:\>net start webclient System error 5 ...
StopServiceCommand Class Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands Assembly: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.dll Package: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management v7.4.0 This class implements the stop-service command C++ Copy public ref class StopServiceCommand ...
To start the services, start (or restart) the Platform System Manager virtual machine. psm tls command Use this command to add, remove, or check the status of TLS protocols for the system console. Changing this setting will restart Service3. Important: If the TLSv1.2 protocol is the only ...
Use thesystemctlcommand to stop the NetworkManager service. systemctl stop NetworkManager Rerun the commandnmcli general status. Running the command with the NetworkManager service stopped causes an error. Use thesystemctlcommand to start the NetworkManager service. ...
When implemented in a derived class, OnCustomCommand(Int32) executes when the Service Control Manager (SCM) passes a custom command to the service. Specifies actions to take when a command with the specified parameter value occurs. C# 复制 protected virtual void OnCustomCommand (int command);...
Assembly: System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.dll Package: System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController v9.0.0 Source: ServiceBase.cs When implemented in a derived class, OnCustomCommand(Int32) executes when the Service Control Manager (SCM) passes a custom command to the service. Specifies actions...
allow-service To configure the services that are allowed on a tunnel interface, use theallow-servicecommand in tunnel interface configuration mode. To disallow a service on a tunnel interface, use thenoform of the command. allow-serviceservice-name ...
Stop-ServiceFabricTestCommand-OperationId<Guid> [-ForceCancel] [-Force] [-TimeoutSec <Int32>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 Stop-ServiceFabricTestCommandcmdlet 取消指定的故障操作。 指定启动错误时提供的操作的 ID。 可以取消的故障类型包括分区数据丢失(Start-ServiceFabricPartitionData...
Change to the WebProxyServer-base\admin-service-id\ directory. Type stopsvr.bat. The default admin-service ID is proxy-admserv.Previous: To Start the Proxy Administration Server Service From the Command Prompt Next: To Start the Proxy Server Service From the Command Prompt ...
PortQry parses, formats, and then returns the response from the service or program as part of its test report.Additional tests to troubleshoot the local computerWhen you have to troubleshoot ports on the computer where you installed PortQry, use PortQry in local mode. When you use the loca...