PowerShell.Commands Assembly: Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost.dll Package: Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost v7.4.0 Implements the stop-transcript cmdlet.C++ 複製 public ref class StopTranscriptCommand sealed : System::Management::Automation::PSCmdletInheritance Object InternalCommand Cmdlet PSCmdlet ...
Step 2:The first and foremost step to execute a PowerShell script is to set the execution policy to RemoteSigned value. The execution policies provide a safe and secure execution of programs, scripts, and any application. The Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet is exercised to change the execution policy ...
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands Assembly: System.Management.Automation.dll Package: System.Management.Automation v7.4.0 Command to execute specified as a string. This can be a single cmdlet, an expression or anything that can be internally converted into a ScriptBlock. ...
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands Assembly: System.Management.Automation.dll Package: Microsoft.PowerShell.5.1.ReferenceAssemblies v1.0.0 Class that implements export-console cmdlet. C++ publicrefclassExportConsoleCommandsealed:Microsoft::PowerShell::Commands::ConsoleCmdletsBase ...
A set of PowerShell functions you might use to enhance your own functions and scripts or to facilitate working in the console. Most should work in both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7, even cross-platform. Any operating system limitations should be handled on a per command basis. The Sam...
执行类型为 PowerShell 的命令时,实例必须已经配置了 PowerShell 模块。 单次执行:只执行一次命令。 定时执行: 根据参数 Frequency 指定的时间频率定时执行,上次的执行结果不会对下一次执行产生任何影响。 当您基于 Cron 表达式执行定时任务且指定了时区,时钟定时执行时间设置基准为您指定的时区;当您没有指定时区时,时...
You can use PsExec to run a PowerShell test script remotely. Open an administrative Command Prompt window, and then enter the following PsExec command. Replace the placeholder with the fully qualified name of the PowerShell script:Windows Command Prompt Copy ...
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility.dll Package: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility v7.4.0 Gets or sets the script to set the breakpoint on. C++ public: property cli::array<System::String ^> ^ Script { cli::array<System::String ^> ^ get();voidset(cli::array<System...
Have you ever wondered, “What is the best way to terminate a script or exit a command in PowerShell?” Will the PowerShell session close with the PowerShell exit command? How to return custom exit codes? Well, you are in luck!
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility 配置并启动对指定表达式或命令的跟踪。 语法 PowerShell Trace-Command[-InputObject <PSObject>] [-Name] <String[]> [[-Option] <PSTraceSourceOptions>] [-Expression] <ScriptBlock> [-ListenerOption <TraceOptions>] [-FilePath <String>] [-Force] [-Debugger] [-PSHost]...