HTTP/2: HTTP/2 requests are now faster than ever. This feature is active by default with IIS 10.0 on Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10. IIS on Nano Server: IIS is easy and quick to install on Nano Server. You can manage IIS remotely with PowerShell or the IIS Manager console. Nano ...
[-MoveToIndex <Int32>] [-NewStepName <String>] [-RemoveConditionFile] [-RemoveConditionFolder] [-RemoveConditionIfStatement] [-RemoveConditionOperatingSystem] [-RemoveConditionQueryWmi] [-RemoveConditionRegistry] [-RemoveConditionSoftware] [-RemoveConditionVariable] [-StepName <String>] [-StepOrder...
S (IIS metabase properties) S (IIS metabase properties) SaslLogonDomain ScriptMaps SecureBindings SendBadTo SendNdrTo ServerAutoStart ServerBindings ServerCommand ServerComment ServerConfigFlags ServerListenBacklog ServerListenTimeout ServerSize ServerState SessionKey ShouldDeliver ShouldPickupMail ShouldPipeli...
LocalIISSite Yerelleştirme LocalResources LocalServer LocalServerAudit LocalServerWarning YerelLerWindow LocalTest LocalVariable BulTüm LocateControl Lock LockedLink LockXAxis LockyAxis LockZAxis Günlük LogError Loginname Oturum Açma Ekranı Loginstatus LoginUser LoginWindowsAuthentication LogPopulati...
usage: dotCover help cover-iis <configuration file name> delete delete: Delete all files related to the specified snapshots usage: dotCover delete|d <parameters> Valid parameters: --Source=ARG : (Required) List of snapshot files separated ...
restart If you're create a kind of windows service which automatically performs this task, consider to use the built-in classes of the .NET Framework (i.e. the ServiceController class) to stop/start the IIS services. Little question... Why do you want to restart IIS on a regular bas...
如果是任何自訂的日誌檔案和 Internet Information Services (IIS) 日誌,Systems Manager 會從頭開始讀取日誌檔案。此外,Systems Manager 也可將效能計數器資料傳送至 CloudWatch Logs。 如果您之前在 EC2Config 已開啟 CloudWatch 整合,則 Systems Manager 設定會覆寫 C:\Program Files\Amazon\EC2ConfigService\Settings\...
IIS 6.0 %SystemRoot%\System32\IISReset.exe IISReset.exe is used to safely start, stop, enable, and disable the IIS services. Always use the /NOFORCE option when stopping or rebooting an IIS server. IIS 5.1 IIS 6.0 %SystemRoot%\System32\ConvLog.exe ...
IgnoreExistingIISArtifacts IgnoreSpace Impersonate Import Include Inherit Inputs Install IP IPBlock ItemMode KeepHistory KeepMergeHistory Keywords LabEnvironment LabEnvironmentIds LabEnvironmentPlacementPolicy LabTemplate LabUrl Latest LCID LibraryShare List ListSCVMMHostGroups ...
$sbCmdL={$strTimeL=(Get-Date).ToString();$strTimeL|Out-File-FilePath'C:\Temp\TimeStamp.txt';Import-ModuleWebAdministration;$colPoolsL=Get-ChildItem-Path"IIS:\AppPools"`-ErrorAction'Stop';$colPoolsL;# This is what send content to the remote pipeline.} ...