yumlist docker-ce --showduplicates |sort-r (2)通过其完整的软件包名称安装特定版本,该软件包名称是软件包名称(docker-ce)加上版本字符串(第二列),从第一个冒号(:)一直到第一个连字符(-),并用连字符(-)分隔。例如:docker-ce-20.10.1。 sudoyuminstalldocker-ce-<VERSION_STRING> docker-ce-cli-<VERSIO...
yumlist docker-ce --showduplicates |sort-r 1. (2)通过其完整的软件包名称安装特定版本,该软件包名称是软件包名称(docker-ce)加上版本字符串(第二列),从第一个冒号(:)一直到第一个连字符(-),并用连字符(-)分隔。例如:docker-ce-20.10.1。 sudoyuminstalldocker-ce-<VERSION_STRING> docker-ce-cli-<...
docker run -d -p 3000:8080 --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -v open-webui:/app/backend/data --name open-webui --restart always ghcr.io/open-webui/open-webui:main The containers ran, but wait for a moment. It restarted. I ran docker logs -f open-webui to check the...
[root@master~]# dockerUsage:dockerCOMMANDAself-sufficient runtimeforcontainersOptions:--config string Locationofclient configfiles(default"/root/.docker")-D,--debug Enable debug mode--help Print usage-H,--host list Daemonsocket(s)to connectto(default[])-l,--log-level string Set the loggingle...
1、docker start/stop/restart/kill 启动/停止/重启/杀掉容器 实例操作如下: [root@docker ~]# docker start myweb[root@docker ~]# docker stop myweb[root@docker ~]# docker restart myweb[root@docker ~]# docker kill -s kill myweb参数 -s#向容器发送信号 ...
I have a container where I can start an interactive shell and a target program from the shell: docker run -it mycontainer bash /start.sh However, when I start the program without going to the shell first, it fails: …
一般地,Dockerfile 分为四部分:基础镜像信息、维护者信息、镜像操作指令和容器启动时执行指令。 Dockerfile文件的第一条指令必须是FROM,其后可以是各种镜像的操作指令,最后是CMD或ENTRYPOINT指定容器启动时执行的命令。 下面引用yeasy/docker_practice对Dockerfile中各个指令的介绍, ...
Start using the docker run command and its options by reading this comprehensive tutorial. Follow the examples to learn the most common uses.
I am following the "Getting Started" instructions on Mac OSX 10.12.6, with Docker CE 17.6.0-ce downloaded and installed from the link provided in that section. Here's what happens when I run the command provided to start the image: $ doc...
At the heart of a Docker installation lies the docker run command for initiating and running a container. In this blog post, we will discuss six scenarios where you can use the docker run command to control container startup behavior and affect container management. So, whether you’re a sea...