Values eyes feet BlocksScanMode For a blocks condition, specifies how to look for blocks. Values masked all Dimension Specifies a dimension to run the command within. Values overworld nether the_end Option_If_Unless Specifies an additional condition to run this command within Values if unlessFeed...
/loot spawn <position: x y z> mine <TargetBlockPosition: x y z> [<tool>|mainhand|offhand: Tool]Give loot to player using a loot table while looting using a tool.Give loot to player, killing entity using tool/loot give <players: target> loot <loot_table: string> [<tool>|mainhand...
bring[ENTITY]-Bringsthespecifiedentitytoyou. cannon[STRENGTH]-ShootsaprimedTNTinthedirectionyouarepointing. calc-Calculatorcommand chest<drop|get|fill|swap|clear>-Allowaccessofchests clear-Clearstheconsole clearwater-Toggleswaterclarityon/off climb-Allowstheplayertoclimbanysurfacewithoutaladder clone[QUANTITY...
In addition, to prevent yourself from killing any stray minecarts or armor stands that you have up for decoration, ensure you add them to the list of entities to ignore. For example, “/kill @e [type=!player,type=!armor_stand,type=!minecart]” Remember that some mobs will spawn additio...
mob.wither.spawn mob.wolf.whine IMPRESSIVE mob.wither.break_block METALLIC block.false_permissions DISGUSTING mob.spider.step CRACKING block.turtle_egg.crack Add custom sounds to Minecraft Further, you can even add custom sounds to Minecraft using a resource pack. It can be the sound you recorded...
useNewChunksOnly:BooleanABooleanto specify whether to use new chunks only. Default:false. Enums Biome Values the_end ocean plains desert extreme_hills forest taiga swampland river hell legacy_frozen_ocean frozen_river ice_plains ice_mountains ...
minecraft:small_dripstone_snap_to_surface_feature minecraft:underwater_magma_snap_to_surface_feature minecraft:crimson_roots_feature minecraft:optional_tall_grass_feature minecraft:nether_sprouts_feature minecraft:warped_roots_feature minecraft:fallen_birch_tree_feature minecraft:fallen_oak_tree_feature minecr...
/loot spawn <position: x y z> mine <TargetBlockPosition: x y z> [<tool>|mainhand|offhand: Tool]Give loot to player using a loot table while looting using a tool.Give loot to player, killing entity using tool/loot give <players: target> loot <loot_table: string> [<tool>|mainhand...
/loot spawn <position: x y z> mine <TargetBlockPosition: x y z> [<tool>|mainhand|offhand: Tool]Give loot to player using a loot table while looting using a tool.Give loot to player, killing entity using tool/loot give <players: target> loot <loot_table: string> [<tool>|mainhand...
/loot spawn <position: x y z> mine <TargetBlockPosition: x y z> [<tool>|mainhand|offhand: Tool]Give loot to player using a loot table while looting using a tool.Give loot to player, killing entity using tool/loot give <players: target> loot <loot_table: string> [<tool>|mainhand...