Airdrop /airdrop This command forces the server to spawn an air drop at your current location. Animal /animal [Steam ID | Player] [Animal ID] This command spawns an animal in an Unturned server. Animals include deer, moose, wolf, pig, bear, cow and reindeer.Cheats Must be Enabled Armor...
You can add up to 10 ticking areas, remove ticking areas, or display your ticking areas using the /tickingarea command in Minecraft. A ticking area is like aspawn chunkin the game. The creation of a ticking area allows you to ensure that areas in the game update even when no players are...
2. To migrate, especially to move in a shoal in order to spawn. Used of fish. 3. a. To move without hindrance or restraint: We let the dog run in the field. b. To move or go quickly or hurriedly: run around doing errands. c. To go when in trouble or distress: He is always...
and, in the nether, a smaller variant of the fire dragon should spawn. The end has it's own types, and so on. Then, you can put in other dim_ids, and set up other dimensions to spawn dragons of your choice! Maybe this planet is fire? (The idea being that you could set it up...
我的世界领地插件命令(My world territory plug-in command) To set up a territory: With a piece of wood axe left key striking a square set point A, right click on a box set point B (you can enter /res select size to view the size of selected area); After entering /res create 123 ...
compression-threshold=256resource-pack-sha1=max-world-size=29999984server-port=25565server-ip=spawn-npcs=trueallow-flight=falselevel-name=worldview-distance=10resource-pack=10spawn-animals=trueonline-mode=truemax-build-height=256level-seed=use-native-transport=trueenable-rcon=falsemotd=A Minecraft ...
#spawnCharacter <Asset> <Nombre>Crée un NPC en particulier. Par exemple #spawncharacter bp_zombie 2 -> crée 2 zombies devant toi #teleport <Player>Téléporte le joueur vers toi #teleportTo <SteamID, Steam Name, Charakter Name>Téléporte le joueur vers un autre joueur ...
You could play as mutated humans & animals or be a robot from the old time (but with a messed up memory bank, with a tendency to obey orders from pure humans or those who had not too obvious mutations – later I learned they were programmed to follow Asimov’s 3 robotic Laws). You...
and only the Conscript that accompanied him lived to tell the tale, but Attack Dog's refused to attack Tesla Trooper's after this incident. Also, dog's can't be mind controlled, and since Yuri's soldiers can mind control other animals, it seems that the mind of these dog's have indee...
count itself to create an object for testing Unit unitname, count creates a unit, test it Spawnclass spawnclassName (to refresh the odd type), the count, level (level) to refresh the blame, only play spawnclass category, shows all monsters added behind it is to specify the monster type,...