Sockstat command output can be filtered throughgrep utilityin order to display a list of ports opened by a specific application or command. Suppose you want to list all sockets associated withNginxweb server, you can issue the following command to achieve the task. # sockstat -46 | grep nginx...
show network route show network status show network name-service attributes show network name-service cache-stats show network name-service {hosts|services} attributes show open files all show open files process show open files regexp show open ports all show open ports reg...
show network cluster show network dhcp eth0 status show network failover show network ip_conntrack show network max_ip_conntrack show network route show network status show open show open files show open ports show packages sho...
Or with MacPorts:sudo port install youtube-dl Alternatively, refer to the developer instructions for how to check out and work with the git repository. For further options, including PGP signatures, see the youtube-dl Download Page.DESCRIPTIONyoutube-dl is a command-line program to download ...
Restricted Open Ports of the OceanStor DeviceManager Replacing the Default Public or Private Key Pair Descriptions of Internal Files in the BMC System How to Obtain Help Glossary Acronyms and Abbreviations About This Document Purpose This document describes how to use the command line interface (CLI...
Restricted Open Ports of the OceanStor DeviceManager Replacing the Default Public or Private Key Pair Descriptions of Internal Files in the BMC System How to Obtain Help Glossary Acronyms and Abbreviations About This Document Purpose Based on the CLI provided by the DeviceManager, this document descr...
net_port_try 0 Prevent servers from trying to climb ports if the request port was busy. net_scale 5 None net_showdrop 0 Show dropped packets in console net_showevents 0 Print game event infos to console. net_showfragments 0 Show netchannel fragments. net_showmsg 0 1|name> net...
Alternatively, pre-compiled 64-Bit binaries are available within the package managers Scoop (for Windows), Homebrew (for macOS and Linux), MacPorts (for macOS), and Huber (for macOS, Linux and Windows). Raúl Piracés has contributed a Chocolatey Windows package. grex is also hosted on ...
20 nmap —top-ports Nmap swiftly searches that many ports if the number of ports to scan is substituted for the “20”. It provides a brief output that summarises the state of the most popular ports, allowing you to quickly determine whether any ports are open needlessly. ...
In some cases well-known and displays all network connections and listening ports on Windows 10, 11, and MS Server Systems If you want to see a list How to create at once several subfolders levels (commando-line)? Via Command Prompt is to easy to create at once, several sub folders leve...