1、进入MySQL:启动MySQL Command Line Client(MySQL的DOS界面),直接输入安装时的密码即可。此时的提示符是:mysql> 2、退出MySQL:quit或exit 二、库操作 1、、创建数据库 命令:create database <数据库名> 例如:建立一个名为xhkdb的数据库 mysql> create database xhkdb; 2、显示所有的数据库 命令:show databa...
1、例1:连接到本机上的MYSQL 首先在打开DOS窗口,然后进入mysql安装目录下的bin目录下,例如: D:\mysql\bin,再键入命令mysql -uroot -p,回车后提示你输密码,如果刚安装好MYSQL,超级用户root是没有密码的,故直接回车即可进入到MYSQL中了,MYSQL的提示符是:mysql> 2、例2:连接到远程主机上的...
mysql> select database(); 6、当前数据库包含的表信息: mysql> show tables; (注意:最后有个s) 三、表操作,操作之前应连接某个数据库 1、建表 命令:create table <表名> ( <字段名1> <类型1> [,..<字段名n> <类型n>]); mysql> create table MyClass( ...
导入: To import a .sql file you need to log into your mysql DBMS first. Typein : mysql -u root -p and enter. It will ask you your root user’s password. mysql>use my_new_db; mysql>source /home/myfiles/export_into_db.sql Press enter and your import will start. Enjoy… Please ...
2、退出MySQL:quit或exit 二、库操作 1、创建数据库 命令:create database 例如:建立一个名为xhkdb的数据库 mysql> create database xhkdb; 2、显示所有的数据库 命令:show databases(注意:最后有个s) mysql> show databases; 3、删除数据库 命令:drop database ...
Different database management systems adopt different approaches to show the list of available databases. For instance, to show the list of databases, the“SHOW DATABASES”statement is used in MySQL and MariaDB. However, this statement is not supported by Postgres. Instead, Postgres offers various...
Using mysql is very easy. Invoke it from the prompt of your command interpreter as follows: mysql db_name Or: mysql --user=user_name --password db_name In this case, you'll need to enter your password in response to the prompt that mysql displays: ...
5.2 Using MySqlCommand The MySqlCommand class represents a SQL statement to execute against a MySQL database. Class methods enable you to perform the following database operations: Query a database Insert, update, and delete data Return a single value ...
1、先退出mysql,找到mysql的配置文件 我的文件在这里 ./etc.my.cnf 2、然后重新启动mysql, 3、进入mysql,切换到mysql数据库,找到user表,查看user表的权限: 4、修改权限, 基于mysql5.7.x 正常创建数据库查看权限>>> show grants; 会对root主机的所有用户执行最大权限:all privileges但是!!! 我手欠,执行了个...
For a long time I couldn't remember how to show the indexes for a database table with MySQL, but I think it's finally sunk in. Just use the MySQL SHOW INDEX command, like this:1 show index from node; That example can be read as, "Show the indexes from the database table named ...