In current version, the encoding format in displaying license information is the same as that of the license file used by the device. If different terminals are used for login, adjust the encoding formats of the terminals according to that of the license file to prevent garbled characters. Exam...
The device administrator can also change the command level to a larger value to improve device security. When using this command to change the level of a command, you can run the display command-view command-key command to check the view of the specified command. You can also check common ...
See here on how to build GitHub CLI from source.Comparison with hubFor many years, hub was the unofficial GitHub CLI tool. gh is a new project that helps us explore what an official GitHub CLI tool can look like with a fundamentally different design. While both tools bring GitHub to the...
Use the show version command to see the threat defense version. SSM Application Name The name of the application running on the security services module. SSM Application Version The version of the application running on the security services module. Status For the devi...
Linuxsystem administratorsoften need access to information about currently logged-in users. TheGNUpackage contains thewhocommand that provides the necessary options. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use thewhocommand to display a list of the logged-in users, seeboot timeinformation, processes...
The.runsettingsfile to use for running the tests. TheTargetPlatformelement (x86|x64) has no effect fordotnet test. To run tests that target x86, install the x86 version of .NET Core. The bitness of thedotnet.exethat is on the path is what will be used for running tests. For more inf...
In this tutorial, you will learn to use theatcommand and see useful examples for command scheduling. Prerequisites A system running Linux. Access to the terminal. A user account withsudo privileges. Install at Command Depending on your Linux system, theatcommand may not be pre-installed. Check...
Pre-installed software of Cloud Shell,Cloud Shell:Cloud Shell is pre-installed with a variety of mainstream programming languages and commonly used command-line tools to help you quickly and easily complete various tasks in your daily work. This topi...
make toolsbuilds tools that are useful on the host. This is what most people will want, and our default target (when simply usingmake). make target-toolsbuilds tools that are intended for the target (Allwinner SoC), using a cross-compiler. The Makefile will try to auto-detect a suitable...
9. Delete or Clear History of Commands You can use the up and down arrow keys to see previously used commands, which can be helpful or annoying. To delete or clear all the entries from the bash history list, you can use the'-c'option. ...