To view the tasks that you created by using the at command, follow these steps: ClickStart, point toPrograms, point toAccessories, and then clickCommand Prompt. At the command prompt, type thenet startcommand, and then press ENTER to display a list of currently running servic...
Maximum number of users allowed to access the HTTP server. You can configure the maximum number of users by running the http server max-online-users command. HTTPS server status Status of the HTTPS server. Enabled: The HTTPS server function is enabled. Disabled: The HTTPS server function is ...
AAA and NAC services: Create diagnosis objects based on the MAC address, IP address, user name, user VLAN, and access mode. Note: The service diagnosis function applies only to common AAA users. Prerequisites The service diagnosis function has been enabled using the trace enable command. Pr...
To display information related to the Intelligent Services Gateway (ISG) session identity, use the show idmgr command in privileged EXEC mode. show idmgr { [memory detailed component substring] | service key session-handle session-handle service-key key-value | session key | aaa-unique-id aaa...
If you use the verbose option (-v), the output also includes the names of the services that the PID belongs to and lists all the modules that the process has loaded. You can use this information to determine which ports are associated with a particular program or service that's runnin...
If you use the verbose option (-v), the output also includes the names of the services that the PID belongs to and lists all the modules that the process has loaded. You can use this information to determine which ports are associated with a particular program or service that's running ...
Use the show running-config sla monitor command to see the SLA operation commands in the running configuration. Examples The following is sample output from the show sla monitor configuration command. It displays the configuration values for SLA operation 124. Following the outp...
A set of PowerShell functions you might use to enhance your own functions and scripts or to facilitate working in the console. Most should work in both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7, even cross-platform. Any operating system limitations should be handled on a per command basis. The Sam...
Specifies the time to wait, in seconds, before the boot manager selects the default entry. /toolsdisplayorder Specifies the display order for the boot manager to use when displaying theToolsmenu. BCDEdit Command-Line Options that Control Emergency Management Services ...
Until the configuration is rebuilt, changes to any of these files are not visible to the running MTA system.Syntaximsimta cnbuild [-image_file=file_spec | -noimage_file] [-maximum | -nomaximum] [-option_file=[option_file] | -nooption_file] [-remove] [-sizes | -nosizes] [-statisti...