To know the login name of the currently logged in user we can run the below command. echo %username% This works on all releases of Windows OS(Windows XP, Server 2003, Windows Vista and Windows 7). There is another command whoami which tells us the domain name also. whoami Example: c:...
The required Node.js version is 18 or higher, Mono and the Android-SDK are required to run the UI test for Android and iOS.Installationnpm install --location=global appcenter-cli Once installed, use the appcenter command. See below for the available commands....
Specifies the user password. If you do not specify the password in the command, you are prompted for it. usernameusername Specifies the username of the account used to test the AAA server settings. Make sure the username exists on the AAA server; otherwise, the test will f...
whoami Shows the username of the currently logged in user. database Manage database migrations. ensure Ensure the NuxtHub Core module is installed and registered in the project. Use nuxthub <command> --help for more information about a command. Deploy To deploy your project with NuxtHub, us...
Use the show interfaces command to see a list of all interfaces currently configured on the router. For more information about the syntax for the router, use the question mark (?) online help function. location node-id (Optional) Clears hardware resource counters from the designated ...
Keep in mind that it only shows the users that are currently logged in to your system. There are otherways to see all the users on a Linux systemlike compgen. The who command has a few options to get other specific information about logged users. ...
The problem with this tool is that if you have a larger hard drive to check, it can take a long time to run. Also, because it’s run as the currently logged in user, it doesn’t have access to all directory locations, so the disk usage problem could be in a place the tool can...
CASE = Yes |NoSpecifies whether parameters associated with accounting data, user ID, password, and data set name in the command and in the Process are to be case sensitive. This parameter is optional. CLASS = nDetermines the node-to-node session on which a Process can execute. See yourIBM...
For additional information, see the Accessibility appendix in the User's Guide: NetView. Tivoli user groups Tivoli user groups are independent, user-run membership organizations that provide Tivoli users with information to assist them in the implementation of Tivoli Software solutions. Through these ...
an operating system. When any user logs in, a shell is started up. The shell has the terminal as standard input and standard output. It starts out by displaying a prompt symbol, such as a dollar sign, indicating that it is waiting to accept a command. For example, if the user types:...