Steps to Reproduce Execute flutter run on the code sample ... ... Expected results: Actual results: Code sample Logs
Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock... 解决办法 1、打开flutter安装目录找到下面的/bin/cache/ 2、删除lockfile档案 3、然后重新执行就ok了。
在运行flutter doctor 一直提示 1 Waitingforanother flutter command to release the startuplock。。。 查了一下github的flutter issue 找到了解决方法,如下: 1、打开flutter的安装目录/bin/cache/ 我的目录结构是这个样子滴! 2、删除lockfile文件 我在删除这个文件的时候一直显示,dart文件正在运行,然鹅我的电脑上的...
In Android 13 when "flutter run" command entered process seems stucked on the last step like the following: Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'... 34.1s ✓ Built build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-debug.apk. Installing build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app.apk... 1,003ms' ...
当执行flutter run命令之后,会一直卡在Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock;可能是资源加载出错导致的, 你需要找到你的flutter Sdk的安装目录下的bin/cache/lockfile删除; 可能会提示正在dart.exe正在使用不能删除,你需要打开任务管理器结束dart.exe的进程,然后在删除即可; ...
在XCode中,所以它再次工作。/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Run/ ...
Are you by any chance using flutter and the flutter run command to perform the build? If so, does clicking the build/run button in Xcode work? If this is the situation you are running into, there is an open ticket over at Github raising this issue. The problem appears to be in ios-...
void main() => runApp(new MyApp()); //实现的Widget类 class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new MaterialApp( title: 'Welcome to Flutter', home: new Scaffold( appBar: new AppBar( ...
Primarily it was used to enable Skia for the Flutter Web like this --dart-define=FLUTTER_WEB_USE_SKIA=true . But what you may not know, is that starting from 1.17 you can pass multiple custom key/value pairs there. For example, if you run the flutter app with the following arguments ...
如果当前目录不是你的Flutter项目根目录,你需要使用 cd 命令切换到正确的目录。例如: bash cd path/to/your/flutter/project 在项目根目录中查找 pubspec.yaml 文件: 一旦你确定你在项目的根目录,检查该目录中是否存在 pubspec.yaml 文件。你可以使用 ls(Unix/Linux/MacOS)或 dir(Windows)命令来列出当前目录的文...