expect模块设计用于简单场景,对于更复杂的需求,应该考虑在shell或script模块中使用expect代码telnet模块简介expect模块用于执行一些低级的和脏telnet命令,不通过模块子系统。 它不会通过shell处理命令,因此不支持像$HOME这样的变量和,以及<, >, |, ;和&等都是无效的。也就是在command模块中无法使用管道符。模块...
run. [Default: None] - warn if command warnings are on in ansible.cfg, do not warn about this particular line if set to no/false. [Default: True] Notes: If you want to run a command through the shell (say you are using `<', `>', `|', etc), you actually want the [shell] ...
ansible -mcommand-a"removes=/var/run/rsyncd.pid echo 11" | CHANGED | rc=0 >> 11 2.shell 万能模块 ansible all -mshell-a"hostname && awk 'NR==3{print$1}' /etc/resolv.conf" 参数: chdir 切换目录 ansibleall-m shell -a"chdir=/tmp pwd" creates 判断文件是...
command - 在远程节点上执行命令 shell - 让远程主机在shell进程下执行命令 script - 将本地script传送到远程主机之后执行 raw - 执行低级的和脏的SSH命令 expect - 执行命令并响应提示 telnet - 执行低级的和脏的telnet命令command模块简介command模块用于在给的的节点上运行系统命令,比如echo hello。 它不会通过...
script shell 一、command 注意:使用command模块在远程主机中执行命令时,不会经过远程主机的shell处理,在使用command模块时,如果需要执行的命令中含有重定向、管道符等操作时,这些符号也会失效,比如<, >, |, ; 和 &这些符号,如果你需要这些功能,可以参考后面介绍的shell模块,还有一点需要注意,如果远程节点是windows操...
shell remove ovh Dec 4, 2024 tools Commit signtool.exe Jun 3, 2020 win32 First half of elevate command, seeitchio/itch#1400 Aug 14, 2017 .gitignore Migrate build script to @itchio/bob Jun 3, 2020 .gitlab-ci.yml remove the book step, long since broken ...
script模块 [在远程主机执行主控端的shell/python脚本 ] (使用相对路径) 代码语言:javascript 复制 [root@node1 ansible]# ansible testservers -m script -a '/etc/ansible/test.sh shell模块 [执行远程主机的shell/python脚本] 代码语言:javascript 复制 [root@node1 ansible]# ansible testservers -m shell ...
PowerShell复制 Get-HelpGet-Command 以下输出已缩短,以专注于语法说明。 Output复制 NAME Get-Command SYNOPSIS Gets all commands. SYNTAX Get-Command [[-Name] <System.String[]>] [[-ArgumentList] <System.Object[]>] [-All] [-CommandType {Alias | Function | Filter | Cmdlet | ExternalScript...
/bin/bash# Program name: "execute_cmd.sh"# shell script program to execute a "ls" command.cd/ ls Now, we will save the shell script program with the "execute_cmd.sh" name. Output $ sh execute_cmd.sh bin cdrom etc lib lib64 lost+found mnt proc run snap swapfile tmp var boot ...
bash ./shell_script.sh Or sh ./shell_script.shScript ran using the interpreter (bash) You can type either the relative path or the absolute path here. Using the source command to run the script in current shell By default, a shell script runs in a subshell. Sometimes, you may want...