当然继承自Command的子类必须要实现其中的run()方法,因为只有它是具体command要执行的具体逻辑(可参见上面CmdCount的具体实现)。 到这里只能说mongod在系统启动到实始化了相应的Command集合map信息,但mongod是如何将client发来的操作请求进行转换并进而执行相应的command指令的呢?我们接下来继续分析。 在mongod启动之后,...
dbcommands_generic.cpp:常用指令,ListCommandsCmd,LogRotateCmd,PingCommand,CmdSet,CmdGet等 replset_commands.cpp:复制集指令,CmdReplSetTest,CmdReplSetGetStatus,CmdReplSetReconfig等 security_commands.cpp:安全指令,CmdGetNonce,CmdLogout,CmdAuthenticate commands_admin.cpp:shard管理操作,因其位于mongos项目,这里...
前滴滴出行技术专家,现任OPPO文档数据库mongodb负责人,负责oppo千万级峰值TPS/十万亿级数据量文档数据库mongodb内核研发及运维工作,一直专注于分布式缓存、高性能服务端、数据库、中间件等相关研发。后续持续分享《MongoDB内核源码设计、性能优化、最佳运维实践》。 背景 < 此外,mongodb提供了mongostat工具来监控当前集群...
Hey guys I am new to MongoDB. I have successfully installed and setup environment variables, I run command mongod its start. After that I run command mongo its run but its only showing in cmd like**C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin>mongo...
查看当前数据库信息:db.stats() 我们接下来分别看一看上述这几个命令的输出。 01 全局服务器信息统计 该命令输出的信息非常详细,当 MongoDB 出现问题时,是一个不错的诊断命令。 rs0:PRIMARY> db.serverStatus()"host" : "mongo03.tyun.cn","version" : "4.4.15","process" : "mongod","pid" : Numb...
$ docker container run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND [ARGS...]] # 旧命令格式如下: $ docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND [ARGS...]] 1. 2. 3. 4. docker container run 命令会在指定的镜像 IMAGE 上创建一个可写的容器(因为镜像是只读的),然后开始运行指定的命令 [COMMAND [ARGS...]]。
You need to run mongod first in one cmd window then open another and type mongo. Make sure you updated your Windows Path environment variable too so that you don't have to navigate to the directory you have all of the mongo binaries in to start the application. To update the ...
module-mongodb/src/Codeception/Lib/Driver/MongoDb.php Lines 112 to 165 in f9d3ed6 public function load(string $dumpFile): void { $cmd = sprintf( 'mongo %s %s%s', $this->host . '/' . $this->dbName, $this->createUserPasswordCmdString(), ...
Command line tools are a great way to enhance productivity, automate tasks using scripts, and perform multiple tasks using a single script or command. MongoDB provides an exhaustive set of tools for managing various MongoDB deployments in a more efficient way through thecommand line interface. Mon...