We added a new command (with command IDrunCommands) that allows running multiple commands, passed torunCommandsas argument. It allows creating a single keybinding that can run multiple commands when triggered. runCommandstakes a single argument of this shape: type arg = { commands: (string | {...
虽然我执行nvm use --delete-prefix v18.14.2 --silent之后好了,但下次打开vscode的终端,又会报上面的错误 并且Mac的终端是正常的,就vscode的终端会报上面的错误 翻阅了很多文章说要改.zshrc里的环境变量,然后source ~/.zshrc。但是看了我的环境变量应该没问题。 .zshrc文件如下: # Add RVM to PATHforscriptin...
int RunningCommandWindowCommand([Runtime::InteropServices::Out] int & pfCmdWin); Parameters pfCmdWin Int32 [out] Pointer to a Boolean. A true value indicates the command is executing. Returns Int32 If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an er...
Tests included with this command line are run in Mocha. You can run the tests simply by running vscode-test on the command line. You can view more options with vscode-test --help; this command line is very similar to Mocha. For example, to watch and run only tests named "addition", ...
遵循Vscode自身的跑通C++的教程的时候,生成tasks.json文件之后,运行C++程序时,调试控制台会显示ERROR: Unable to start debugging. Unexpected GDB output from command "-exec-run". During startup program exited with code 0xc0000135. 按照文章https://blog.csdn.net/wq3095435422/article/details/125167835操作,...
从上面的代码可以看到执行暂停的指令时会先调用getThreadAndRun函数来获取debug的线程,这里就不贴详细代码了,具体去看源码,只说说大致流程:通过服务存储器Accessor获取debug服务,根据context类型(线程上下文还是会话上下文)获取debug的session,如果两者都不是则去获取debug服务的当前view model 线程,最后通过await run(thread...
简介:vscode出现 ERROR: Unable to start debugging. Unexpected GDB output from command “-exec-run“. 在vscode中使用mingw的g++编译,运行gdb来debug时候出现的问题 1.检查是否使用mingw相同目录下的g++.exe和gdb.exe,一定要对应上 task.json launch.json ...
Whenever VS Code launches this initial shell, VS Code sets the variableVSCODE_RESOLVING_ENVIRONMENTto1. If your shell or user scripts need to know if they are being run in the context of this shell, you can check theVSCODE_RESOLVING_ENVIRONMENTvalue. ...
make command prompt OneAPI VScode Subscribe More actions benjaajf Beginner 02-18-2024 05:14 PM 973 Views Hello, I am using the prompt of oneAPI in visual studio code to run some fortran code. I would like to create a makefile to compile + run the code. I create a mak...
使用VScode调试的时候提示Unabletostartdebugging.Launch options string provided by the project system is... 提示这个错误。 翻译过来就是 miDebuggerPath他出错了。 如果你是在linux下按照官网的陪应该就是 这个地方陪错了,要先下载gdb在终端输入 apt-get installgdb ...