You want to reprocess the entirety of the incremental model because of new logic in the model code. You can also supply the flag by its short name:dbt run -f. In the dbt compilation context, this flag will be available asflags.FULL_REFRESH. Further, theis_incremental()macro will return...
cli: A dbt command ( --select abc+ --exclude +def) to run (required) { "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"cli_args", "id":"<request id>", "params":{ "cli":"run --select abc+ --exclude +def", "task_tags":{ "branch":"feature/my-branch", ...
run_dbt(["deps"]) (results, log_output) = run_dbt_and_capture( ["show", "--inline", models__second_ephemeral_model] Contributor ChenyuLInx Mar 29, 2023 Thanks for adding so many ephemeral model tests! Do we have one that tests a model that have a ref to a ephemeral model?
The tests to run can be selected using the--selectflag discussedhere. # run data and unit tests dbttest # run only data tests dbttest--selecttest_type:data # run only unit tests dbttest--selecttest_type:unit # run tests for one_specific_model ...