The command attempts to fix errors on the disk. If the disk is in use, run the check on the next system restart. Interruptingchkdskwhile it's running is generally safe, but it’s recommended to complete the scan later to address potentialdata corruption. 7. choice Command Thechoicecommand ...
Call:Allows you to call subroutines (batch programs within batch programs). It also lets you execute external commands from within a batch file. Cd:Changes the current directory in the command prompt. Centreq:Requests and installs a certificate from a certification authority. Certutil:Allows you ...
license smart Lets you request license entitlements for smart licensing. license smart deregister Deregisters a device from the License Authority. license smart register Registers a device with the License Authority. license smart renew Renews the registration or the license entitlement. s...
show parser encrypt file status show platform hardware fpga show platform integrity show platform sudi certificate show running-config show sdm prefer show tech-support license system env temperature threshold yellow traceroute mac traceroute mac ip type unset version arp...
Enable both features and click the Ok button to confirm. Restart your machine. Open a new CMD window and retry the connection. Klist –this command allows you to visualize cached Kerberos tickets and retrieve useful information such as encryption type, server, start time, renew time, session ke...
The "certmgmt" command manages several kinds of certificate databases and security implementations, including X.509, SSL/TLS, SSH, and VPN. Note: Digi recommends using the web interface instead of "certmgmt" to manage certificate databases and private key data, as it is better suited to the ...
I generate the HTTPS certificates for those sites using a tool called Certbot, and I need to copy the certificate for each site to GitLab whenever I renew it. Combining the cat command and xclip is faster and more efficient than using an editor. For example: cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/...
To display the contents of the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table, use the arp command in boot loader mode. arp [ip_address] Syntax Description ip_address (Optional) Shows the ARP table or the mapping for a specific IP address. Command Default No de...
This example shows how to renew a license: Device# license smart renew auth Related Commands Command Description show license all Displays entitlements information. show license status Displays compliance status of a license. show license usage Displays license usa...