1.配置reactNative(RN)过程中 出现react-native:command not found. 找到reactNative安装的路径 sudo npm install -g react-native-cli Paste_Image.png 如上图 路径为(当然你的肯定和我的不一样的) /Users/cxy/.npm-global/bin 到此时你只能在当前路径下面初始化一个项目 但是我们的需求绝不止于此 我们需要在...
昨天需要查看项目的react-native版本号,于是执行 react-native -v 结果显示command not found,于是一顿搜,搜到了同样一顿搜之后解决并且分享的大佬,非常感谢! 解决方法: 把npm安装位置写入配置文件 1、全局执行 sudo npm i -g react-native-cli 由于昨天没有截图,借用了大佬的 找到了安装地址 2、打开配置文件 o...
执行react-native init TestProject 命令 创建demo时报错:-bash: react-native: command not found 报错提示:Please include the following file with any support request: /Users/ewu/npm-debug.log,就是npm-debug.log这个文件有权限, 解决方法: 加上sudo(root 权限)再执行命令: sudo npm install -g react-na...
1.配置reactNative(RN)过程中 出现react-native:command not found. 找到reactNative安装的路径 sudo npm install-g react-native-cli Paste_Image.png 如上图 路径为(当然你的肯定和我的不一样的) /Users/cxy/.npm-global/bin 到此时你只能在当前路径下面初始化一个项目 但是我们的需求绝不止于此 我们需要在...
I've bootstrapped a new react-native project with the latest react-native-cli and when I try to run it in XCode, I get: ../node_modules/react-native/packager/react-native-xcode.sh: line 36: react-native: command not found That means I ca...
创建ReactNative的iOS项目 http://reactnative.cn/docs/integration-with-existing-apps/ 1.安装好ReactNative开发环境 2.安装好CocoaPods 3.创建项目根文件夹:A 4.创建文件夹A/ios 5.创建新项目到A/ios目录下(最上层目录移除,否则下面的路径需要修改,例如原来为ProjectDir/ProjectDir,但是根目录ProjectDir... ...
2. Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1 解决方法: 1. 选中项目 -> TARGETS->Build Phases-> “Bundle React Native code and p_w_picpaths” 2.勾选 “Run script only when installing” ,如下图: 3.Clean 项目,重新运行即可。
npx @react-native-community/cli@latest init MyApp Usage in an existing React Native project Once you're inside an existing project, you can run a series of commands to interact with your projects by using thernc-clibinary. Example runningstartcommand in terminal: ...
在react-nactive项目中运行时,报错error Failed to install the app more details. Error:Commandfailed:gradlew.batapp:installDebug-PreactNativeDevServerPort=8081...在react-nactive项目中运行时,报错errorFailedto install theapp. Make sure you have theAndroiddevelopment ...
Command `bundle` unrecognized. Make sure that you have run `npm install` and that you are inside a react-native project.,呃呃,在写下面的代码时出现的问题,解决办法是npminstall或者yarn,如果yarn报错,再npminstall就可以了下面的是携程App首页的样式,有轮播