可能在用某些与git相关的功能时,如安装了GitLens插件以为可以使用了但push时却报错Error: command 'git.push' not found。 此时需要优先检查Git插件(是vscode的内置扩展插件)是否被禁用。 在插件栏搜索:@builtin 找到Git插件并确认它正常启用。 随后其他关联功能应该可以正常启用。 排除此问题后如果还有问题,则需要进...
在github上注册一个账号 点击桌面的Git Bash快捷图标,进行环境配置。 # 配置用户名 git config --global user.name "username" //( "username"是自己的账户名,) # 配置邮箱 git config --global user.email "username@email.com" //("username@email.com"注册账号时用的邮箱) //注意空格不要多加或者少加...
I tried to set the default git path for vscode, because i have it installed on a usb drive. Thats my start command for code: start %input%:\_software\Code\Code.exe --user-data-dir %input%:\_software\Code\.vscode\ --extensions-dir %input%:\_software\Code\.vscode\extensions\ the va...
.vscode Migrate build script to @itchio/bob Jun 3, 2020 art JSON login flow,closes#50 Dec 30, 2016 buildinfo Fix build version / time / commit, add --json mode for 'butler versio… Dec 11, 2019 butlerd clean up a few more outdated references ...
把mergetool 的cmd meld路径用单引号包裹起来就能正常使用 下载地址:Meld (meldmerge.org) [diff] tool = meld [difftool "meld"] cmd = 'D:/Program Files (x86)/Meld/Meld' $LOCAL $REMOTE [merge] tool = meld [mergetool "meld"] cmd = 'D:/Program Files (x86)/Meld/Meld' $LOCAL $BASE ...
今天mac更新了系统发现没法用SVN更新代码了 Can't use Subversion command line client: svn The path to the Subversion executable is probably wrong. 解决方法: 终端执行xcode-select --install 假如提示已安装,就把/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools下的文件夹清空,重装...
defaults write com.microsoft.VSCode ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false Backup Time Machine Change Backup Interval This changes the interval to 30 minutes. The integer value is the time in seconds. sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.backupd-auto StartInterval -int 1800 ...
代码语言:javascript 复制 mu@xiaomudeMacBook-Pro~%swift--versionxcrun:error:invalid active developerpath(/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools),missing xcrun at:/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun 解决方案 代码语言:javascript 复制 mu@xiaomudeMacBook-Pro~%xcode-select--install ...
The lxrun /install command above will then download and install a fresh new copy of Ubuntu 16.04 onto your machine. Upgrade In-Place If your Ubuntu instance is particularly complex to configure, youcanopt to upgrade it in-place, though this may not result in an optimal instance. ...
macOS: Some setup is required. After installing VSCode, launch it any way you’re comfortable with. Once it’s running, open the Command Palette withCmd+Shift+P. In the little dialog that appears, typeshell command. One of the choices that appears will beShell Command: Install 'code' comm...