command或shell模块,那么脚本中调用的是subprocess.Popen(args,kwargs)函数,command和shell的区别就在于command模块使用shell=True,而shell模块使用shell=False,就是一个调用了shell,一个没有。官方文档中是不建议使用shell=True的,因为这可能导致shell injection安全问题,但是有些情况下用shell模块就很方...
state: present#1.源安装#安装服务httpd(走的是远程机器的yum源)[root@m01 ~]#ansible web_group -m yum -a 'name=httpd state=present'相当于在远程机器上:yum install -y httpd#2.指定网络上安装包#安装云上的服务[root@m01 ~]#ansible web_group -m yum -a 'name=
[root@server79 ~]# yum install ansible -y #查看ansible版本和测试 [root@server79 ~]# ansible --version ansible 2.9.27 config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg configured module search path = [u'/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', u'/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules'] ansible python module ...
//在受控机上添加一个系统用户,用户名为mysql,uid为306,设置其shell为/sbin/nologin,无家目录 [root@ansible ~]# ansible -m user -a 'name=mysql uid=306 system=yes create_home=no shell=/sbin/nologin state=present' | CHANGED => { "ansible_facts": { "discovered...
In this article, I will take you through the steps to install locate command in Linux. locate command is used to search files in Linux based system just like
It can be used to run the following Ansible® roles in ESS. • config: Configure requirements for ESS • healthcheck: General health check status of the node(s) • update: Update node to the latest ESS packages • perfset: Performance check option for ESS 5000 • timeset: Time...
Ansible ansible --version Pulumi pulumi version Container tools kubectl kubectl version helm3 helm version Docker Machine docker-machine --version Database tools MySQL mysql --version Install third-party software Important After a Cloud Shell instance is destroyed, third-party software installed in t...
Getting below error (py3916-ans2139) ansible-builder build -f base_execution_enviroment.yml -t localhost/ee-custom-image:v0.2 Running command: podman build -f context/Containerfile -t localhost/ee-custom-image:v0.2 context ...showing last 20 lines of out
If you do not already have it, install tar, which you use to extract the bat package in a later step. sudo yum install tar Check the CPU architecture of your Linux system using the following command: uname -a Here is an example of what your output might look like. Linux hostname ...
The Linux ip command is a system tool for network administration, but it has many options and can be complicated. Fortunately, most users find the tool easier to use when they understand its main components. This guide explains how to configure a server using the ip command. It demonstrates ...