-- Add a Highlight annotation to a user selection. --><MenuItemCommand="ann:AnnotationService.CreateHighlightCommand"Header="Add Highlight"/><!-- Add a Text Note annotation to a user selection. --><MenuItemCommand="ann:AnnotationService.CreateTextStickyNoteCommand"Header="Add Text N...
CommandBarTextSelectedBrushKey CommandBarTextSelectedColorKey CommandBarToolBarBorderBrushKey CommandBarToolBarBorderColorKey CommandBarToolBarSeparatorBrushKey CommandBarToolBarSeparatorColorKey CommandBarToolBarSeparatorHighlightBrushKey CommandBarToolBarSeparatorHighlightColorKey Command...
To enable the Command Tool text editing window, move the pointer onto the window pane, press the MENU button, drag the pointer down to highlight File Editor, and then to the right to highlight Enable. The Command Tool pane splits in two; the top pane remains as Command Tool, while ...
move the pointer onto the window pane, press the MENU button, drag the pointer down to highlight File Editor, and then to the right to highlight Enable. The Command
<DocumentViewer.ContextMenu> <ContextMenu> <MenuItem Command="ApplicationCommands.Copy" /> <Separator /> <!-- Add a Highlight annotation to a user selection. --> <MenuItem Command="ann:AnnotationService.CreateHighlightCommand" Header="Add Highlight" /> <!-- Add a Text Note annotat...
ause the and keys to highlight and entry ,press ENTER or“b” to boot press“e”to edit the commands be for booting or“c”fa command-line 使用和 钥匙突出的和词条,新闻进入或“”解雇新闻的“b e”编辑命令是为孕穗或“c” fa命令线[translate]...
Preview window supports ANSI colors, so you can use any program that syntax-highlights the content of a file, such as Bat or Highlight: fzf --preview 'bat --color=always {}' --preview-window '~3' You can customize the size, position, and border of the preview window using --preview...
Full path name to the control. disableHistoryButton(boolean docTag(dtg)string dragCallback(dgc)script Adds a callback that is called when the middle mouse button is pressed. The MEL version of the callback is of the form: global proc string[] callbackName(string $dragControl, int $x, ...
在tmux会话下 vim 功能失效例如visual block模式下无法显示highlight的文字到~/.vimrc 下添加set term=xterm-256colorset t_Co=256 25. Rsync 传输文件rsync 参数 来源文件 目的文件 -v : verbose 输出较详细文件-r : 递归子目录下所有文件-z : 启用压缩, 可将要传输的文件先打包, 然后到目的之后解压缩...
To clear the scope and text box, click Clear or use Ctrl+Backspace (Windows and Linux) or Command+Delete (Mac). You can also use keystrokes to narrow your search. For more information, see Keystroke functions. Finish entering the path, or use the arrow keys to highlight the path you ...