/loot give <players: target> loot <loot_table: string> [<tool>|mainhand|offhand: Tool]Give loot to player using the loot table from killing an entity using a tool.Give loot to player, mining a block using tool/loot give <players: target> kill <entity: target> [<tool>|mainhand|off...
Now all armor stands within 5 blocks of you will have arms showing. As you can see, the possibilities for the /entitydata command are endless. Give it a try and see what amazing things you can do to the entities in the game. Congratulations, you have learned how to use the /entitydat...
/loot give <players: target> kill <entity: target> [<tool>|mainhand|offhand: Tool]Give loot to player using the loot table from killing an entity using a tool.Give loot to player, mining a block using tool/loot insert <position: x y z> loot <loot_table: string> [<tool>|mainhand...
/loot give <players: target> loot <loot_table: string> [<tool>|mainhand|offhand: Tool]Give loot to player using the loot table from killing an entity using a tool.Give loot to player, mining a block using tool/loot give <players: target> kill <entity: target> [<tool>|mainhand|off...