在使用PHPMailer开发发送邮件功能时报错SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.SMTP server error: QUIT command failed 起初这个授权码以为是邮箱登陆密码,填了qq密码验证不通过 以下qq邮箱为例配置授权码 下面按步骤操作就可以开通,得到一个授权码
The add smtp_server general command is used to add an email sending server. Format add smtp_server general server=? Parameters Parameter Description Value server=? Address of the SMTP server. The value can be a domain name or IP address (IPv4 or IPv6 address). The domain name is a...
The change smtp_server config command is used to configure the email-based alarm notification function. If you want to enable the storage system to automatically send an alarm notification email to a specified mailbox when an alarm is generated, run this command. Format change smtp_server config...
[SMTPCOMMAND is available for use in the operating systems specified in the Requirements section. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions.]Enumerates the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) commands that have been issued to the server and the various states following an action....
Mspclnt.ini file information (ISA Server queries) PortQry parses, formats, and then returns the response from the service or program as part of its test report.Additional tests to troubleshoot the local computerWhen you have to troubleshoot ports on the computer where you installed PortQry...
SMTP_NONE Indicates no current command. SMTP_BANNER Indicates that a new server connection has been established and that the client has received the server's welcome banner. The SMTP transport is attempting to send either the HELO or EHLO command to the server. SMTP_CONNECTED Indicates that...
Mspclnt.ini file information (ISA Server queries) PortQry parses, formats, and then returns the response from the service or program as part of its test report.Additional tests to troubleshoot the local computerWhen you have to troubleshoot ports on the computer where you installed PortQry...
我今天登陆foxmail的时候,提示:Foxmail邮箱将于9月20日12点到24点进行系统升级,您的邮箱帐号在受影响的范围中,请稍后登录。给您带来的不便,敬请谅解。囧 我那个跟foxmail绑定了的QQ也登陆不上啊。。。
This cmdlet wraps lines instead of truncating them. One of the best uses for Format-List is to override the default output of a cmdlet so that you can retrieve additional or more focused information. For example,Copy Get-DistributionGroup | Format-List Name, *OnlyFrom, PrimarySmtpAddress, *...