The set workmode hardware hash command sets the traffic distribution mode to the hash mode. The undo set workmode hardware hash command sets the traffic distribution mode to the port core pinning mode. By default, the traffic distribution mode is the hash mode. Only the AR720, AR730 support...
開發語言 主題 本主題的部分內容可能是機器或 AI 翻譯。 關閉警示 D3d9types.h D3dcaps.h D3dhal.h D3dkmddi.h D3dkmdt.h D3dkmthk.h D3dukmdt.h D3dumddi.h Dispmprt.h Dxgiddi.h Dxgitype.h Dxva.h Iddcx.h Igpupvdev.h Ksmedia.h
You can use the bundle-hash command to get these information: Which members are used for a specified source/destination address pair, such as The destination IP address for a specified source IP address on a specified member. The lo...
Number of times that the phase 1 tunnel is deleted due to hard timeout. Phase2 hardware expire Number of times that the phase 2 tunnel is deleted due to hard timeout. Phase1 replace Number of phase 1 tunnel re-negotiation times. Phase2 replace Number of phase 2 tunnel re-negotiation tim...
表示中繼命令參數類型的 [D3D12DDI_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_TYPE] 值。 Flags [D3D12DDI_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_FLAGS] 值,指出資源是否用於輸入或輸出。 RequiredResourceState D3D12DDI_RESOURCE_STATES值,指出資源的預期狀態。 這會針對中繼命令定義中的每個資源指定。
Bundle interface traffic is distributed over the various member links of a bundle according to a hash function. The bundle-hash command allows you to determine which bundle member link will carry a particular flow of traffic. You can use the bundle-hash command t...
一个由D3D12DDI_INDIRECT_ARGUMENT_DESC结构构成的数组,其中包含参数的详细信息,包括参数是顶点缓冲区、常量、常量缓冲区视图、着色器资源视图还是无序访问视图。 hRootSignature 根签名的句柄。 NodeMask 节点集。 对于单个 GPU作,请将此项设置为零。 如果有多个 GPU 节点,请设置位来标识要...
The second copy is written to the same rack as the first copy, but on a different half (which can be composed of several nodes). The target node is determined by a hash value on the fileset ID of the file, or it is chosen randomly if the file does not belong to any fileset. The...
The key to get the device’s hardware model number including region info, such asMK1A3LL/A. Requires the Device Information access right. Requires Apple silicon on macOS. OnlineAuthenticationGracePeriod string The key to get the grace period for Shared iPad online authentication (in days). Avail...
--localeSpecifies which locale to use (BCP47 format). -o, --logDirects the logging to a log file. You must provide a path to a file that you have the write rights to. --ignore-security-hashIgnore the installer hash check failure. Not recommended. ...