plugins-to-convert: - Essentials: - speed <speed>[0..10] - speed <target>[minecraft:game_profile] - speed (walk|fly) <speed>[0..10] - speed (walk|fly) <speed>[0..10] <target>[minecraft:game_profile] Building the CommandAPI The CommandAPI is built using the Maven build tool -...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use the /ability command with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. You can either set or check a player's ability using the /ability command in Minecraft (see also /worldbuilder command).
au**ic 上传19.65 KB 文件格式 zip fcommand mc minecraft minecraft-plugin MC原版中按F是交换副手,现在需要一款插件,能够在检测玩家按F的时候,屏蔽交换副手这个动作,并且执行指令 希望能够设置以玩家身份执行,以OP身份执行,以控制台执行 最好还可以使用player变量 版本:paper 1.18.2 如果能兼容其他更多的版本当然...
First,look for an open areawhere you want to build a structure. If you are in creative mode, you can even fly and choose to build in the air. As you will later see, we can also use the “/fill” command to clear an area by removing its blocks. Go to aspecific cornerof the are...
EntityCanFlyComponent EntityCanPowerJumpComponent EntityColorComponent EntityComponent EntityDieAfterEvent EntityDieAfterEventSignal EntityEquippableComponent EntityFireImmuneComponent EntityFloatsInLiquidComponent EntityFlyingSpeedComponent EntityFrictionModifierComponent EntityGroundOffsetComponent EntityHealableCompon...
Default Minecraft Listings Raw Message JSON Version Disambiguation Best Practices & Tips Contribute Download PDF Save Add to Collections Add to plan Share via Facebookx.comLinkedInEmail Print Article 10/12/2023 Contains return data on the result of a command execution. ...
For example, helmets reduce stalactite damage, and cats are immune to fall damage. Cause must be one of anvil, block_explosion, charging, contact, drowning, entity_attack, entity_explosion, fall, falling_block, fire, fire_tick, fireworks, fly_into_wall, freezing, lava, lightning, magic, mag...
Flight and Minecraft have never really gone well together, except for those times in Creative Mode where you can fly around by quickly double-tapping the jump key. Besides that there is no natural flight mechanic in Minecraft, which probably has a lot to do with... ...
which would fit the game if it didn't get awfully frustrating trying to do basic things. It has its moments though. It's something special shooting out one of the engines from a ship and watching it crash into the soldiers it just dropped off, or having your grenade launcher fly out of...
feed<QTY>-Addsthespecifiedquantitytoyourfoodbar firedamage-Turnsfiredamageon/off flammable<BLOCK>[CATCH][SPREAD]-Setsthespecifiedblockattheflammabilitylevel fly[SPEED]-Allowsyoutoturnflyingmodeon/off,speedspecifiedyourflyingspeed flymode<dynamic|standard|minecraft|reset>-Allowsyoutospecifywhichflyingmodetouse...