1. When you run the command to query the default gateway address of the MM910, two values are displayed. The first is the configuration default gateway, which is configured by the system management command of the MM910. The other is the active default gateway, means the effecti...
I thought the "ip default-gateway" was used only for the DG of the switch, so it could connect to say a firewall. I have it setup in my environment where the interface vlan10 is the IP I use to telnet into the switch and the DG is only for the switch to connect to the firewal...
The gateway6 command is used to query and set the default IPv6 gateway of the MM910. Format smmget [ -l smm ] -d gateway6 smmset [ -l smm ] -d gateway6 -v ipv6addr Parameters Parameter Description Value ipv6addr The IPv6 address is in the format of ...
Range is from 0 to 10, where 0 prevents the gatekeeper from using the gatewaygw-aliasfor that prefix and 10 places the highest priority on gatewaygw-alias. The default is 5. To assign the same priority value for one prefix to multiple gateways, list all the gateway names after thepri-0...
To remove configured sub-actions or reset the action to the default of drop, use the no form of this command. action { drop { count counter-name | log } | accept { count counter-name | nat use-vpn 0 { } | log | local-tloc | policer policer-name | next-hop i...
Default batch size is 60. Maximum batch size must be limited to 120. Chapter 1. ESS commands 11 --duration Test-Duration Specifies the duration of the test in seconds. Default is 30 seconds. Specify 0 to start and exit gsscheckdisks while the I/O engine is running. It can be used ...
name: serverless # API Gateway service ID api: # Relevant configuration of the created API cors: true # Specify whether to allow CORS timeout: 15 # API timeout period name: apiName # API name qualifier: $DEFAULT # Version associated with the API protocols: - http - https environment: te...
(for example,DESNAME=/revenues/q1/nwsales). If you do not specify the full path name, the Oracle Reports file searching method is used to find the file. If you do not specify a path for a keyword value that includes a file name, the Reports Server will try to find the file from ...
Find default gateway of router in Linux. Learn how to check default gateway in Linux command line. Easily find router ip and default gateway in Linux terminal.
>> Appends redirected output to existing data. < Redirects input. | Pipes output.Sort, more, and find are the built-in filter commands that work in the same way as command symbols, to allow you to sort input and output, cause output to the screen to be displayed one screen at a time...