The EditPolyLine command displays options such as:C lose, D ecurve, E dit vertex, F it, J oin, L inegen, S pline, U ndo, W idth or e X it I nsert, M ove, N ext, P revious, RE gen, SP lit, S traighten, T angent, W idth or e X it To enter command options:...
multiple object copy AR arranged in a specified manner The management function of executing the external database command AAD Output link information for selected objects AEX Link between managed objects and external databases ALI Display and edit table data and create links and selection sets ARO ...
3D Polylines X X Regions X 2D Solids X 3D Solids: edges X X 3D Solids: faces X Splines: 2D and 3D X X Surfaces: edges X X Surfaces: planar and non-planar X The following prompts are displayed. Objects to Extrude Specifies the objects to extrude. Note: Select face ...
0304 使用命令行和状态栏获得反馈(0304 Using the command line and status bar to get feedback) - 大小:9m 目录:0304 使用命令行和状态栏获得反馈 资源数量:67,其他软件教程_Rhino,0001 欢迎,0002 使用练习文件,0003 推荐使用的硬件,0101 了解三种类型的实体曲线表面,01
EditSpline Modifies the parameters of a specified spline or converts a spline-fit Polyline to a Spline Modify > Entity EditTable Changes text in a Table cell Modify > Entity EditTableCell Inserts, deletes, merges, or resizes cells, rows, and columns in Tables Modify > Entity E...
將GHS (General HydroStatics) 資料加入到物件。 工具列功能表 工具 工具 附加GHS 資料 Audit3dmFile 檢查Rhino 未開啟的 3dm 檔案是否有錯誤並列出內容。 工具列功能表 檢測 分析 檢測 > 核對3DM 檔案 Audit 檢查目前開啟的 Rhino 模型是否有錯誤。 工具列功能表 檢測 分析 檢測 > 核對 Auto...
The name of its parent schematic feature class for a schematic feature class you want to inherit from an existing schematic feature class The steps below describe schematic feature class creation in details using the New Schematic Feature Class command: Edit your...
4.162 DataGridEditAction 4.163 DataGridEditingUnit 4.164 DataGridGridLinesVisibility 4.165 DataGridHeadersVisibility 4.166 DataGridHyperlinkColumn 4.167 DataGridLength 4.168 DataGridLengthUnitType 4.169 DataGridRow 4.170 DataGridRowDetailsVisibilityMode 4.171 DataGridRowHeader 4.172 DataGridRowsPresenter 4.173...
0301 了解犀牛命令哲学(0301 Understanding Rhinos command philosophy) - 大小:5m 目录:0301 了解犀牛命令哲学 资源数量:67,其他软件教程_Rhino,0001 欢迎,0002 使用练习文件,0003 推荐使用的硬件,0101 了解三种类型的实体曲线表面,0102 比较贝塞尔曲线, B-样条, 和 NURB
Mtext. Displays the Text Editor contextual tab, which you can use to edit the dimension text. Text. Customizes the dimension text at the Command prompt. The generated dimension is displayed within angle brackets. Angle. Specifies the angle of the dimension text. Undo. Returns to the previ...