2.2 修改配置文件 vim /usr/local/mongodb/mongod.conf 将security.authorization值从enabled改为disabled 2.3 启动MongoDB 3、验证 use admindb.createUser({user:"admin",pwd:"shenz2024",roles:[{role:"root",db:"admin"}]});
MongoDB使用命令创建用户权错误分析 错误一:权限不够Error:couldn't add user:command createUser requires authentication、 解决方案:先使用超级管理员登录,再进行其他数据库用户创建的创建。
$cursor = Yii::$app->mongodb->createCommand(['projection' => ['name' => true]])->query('some_collection'); To execute batch (bulk) operations, call executeBatch(). For example:Yii::$app->mongodb->createCommand() ->addInsert(['name' => 'new']) ->addUpdate(['name' => '...
MongoDB\Driver\Command::__construct— Create a new Command User Contributed Notes 4 notes up down 14 tdrpic ¶ 5 years ago In case you're wondering how to perform a 'distinct' query:<?php// Sample MongoDB command:// db.product.distinct("scent", {"prodCat": "10 oz can"})...
Hi I am new in using MongoDB and I have a big problem: I don’t know if I am the only one in this case but whenever I try to insert some datas in my database they always send me back this message : “command insert is uns…
从上面的命名文件和命令类名可以看出,大多数mongos代理相关命令会增加”cluster”标记(但是也有部分个例,例如findAndModify对应类命就没带改标记)。 此外,也有部分mongos和mongod实例命令不满足上面的命名规范,例如"dropIndexes"、"createIndexes"、"reIndex"、"create"、"renameCollection"等命令,各自命名规则如下: ...
使用具有足够权限的管理员账户登录MongoDB: 如果MongoDB启用了身份验证,你需要使用具有足够权限的管理员账户登录。通常,这需要使用超级用户账户登录到admin数据库。 登录命令示例: javascript use admin db.auth('adminUsername', 'adminPassword') 请将adminUsername和adminPassword替换为你的实际管理员用户名和密码。
In the above picture, it;s generally used in the development. Notes, in the mongodb, there is no command like mysql ('create database xxx'), instead use command 'use dbname' to create a new db; Lastly I set a simple exampe to show usage of some command....
, MongoDB Cloud Manager, and MongoDB Atlas. The command line tools provided by MongoDB are essentially commands that help you create, manage, and automate your deployments. For example, you can create a new cluster from the command line interface using a single command atlas cluster create....
windows环境下mongodb下权限设置 2019-12-10 18:33 −1、创建超级用户 超级用户位于admin集合下。 use admin db.createUser({ user:'admin', pwd:'123456', roles:[{role:'root',db:'admin'}] }) user是的登陆的用户名,pwd是设置的密码。 2、... ...